Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thick skin needed

 It's never fun to have any issues that trouble you. Being a business owner, I choose who I work for and when to cut ties. I have 100% control over my decisions to run my business as I see fit. I have been in business for at least 18 years, so plenty of experience dealing with all types of people. I usually go out of my way with customer service as its always easier to keep an existing customer happy then to have to get a new one. 

In business, its just business and I try not take it personal even though I get to know some of my customers extremely well. There are always areas to improve and I value my customers feedback. Two weeks ago, I got unexpected feed back that was not able to be resolved right away. I usually like to make sure the customer is happy and do what I can to get things back on track, I don't like it to drag on and make it worse or unfixable. I'm only human and am not perfect but I always strive to do better, grow and learn. 

Well, two days ago, everything came to a head. I'm always open to suggestions. I realized my limit and it was reached! The customer I have known and worked for the last 18 years made a direct attack on my personality. Which is not something I choose to change about myself for the sake of someone else. I am not an overly talkative person. I am more of an observer and listener. I do enjoy talking one on one with with my customer, getting to know their families. This just makes a better working relationship and makes me enjoy my job. 

This customer told me that I was to not talk to her while working at her house. I am just there to work and that I am exhausting. I can't say I have ever been told ever in my life that I talk too much! I'm sure if I was a talkative person, which I'm not, I would have experienced similar comments in my life. It's the opposite, I'm more quiet and reserved. So it came as a HUGE Shock! 

Since, I was shocked, angry and hurt. I continued to work and "not talk" as requested. While there, she and her husband kept wanting to engage me in conversation, even thought she just gave me instructions to not to talk to them anymore while working at their home. I gave them simple one word answers, which was limiting my "talking" per her request. So she again comes back to tell me, that we need to "talk". I said sure, we can right now if you want. She didn't want to talk at this time because her daughter was over and I should call her some day  next week so we could talk. No more than 2 hours after I left her house. I got a text that we needed to talk. So I texted back that I could stop over the next day. This woman is around 83 years old and not in good health. I could blame it on her age and health but I think this is who is she! 

I was dreading the "talk" at her house. Not knowing really what else she wanted to talk about. I already had to force myself to go to her house for work and now I had to return again. The "talk", was to go over again to not talk to her while I was at her house working. She proceeded to tell me "I was exhausting". To top that off, she didn't understand why I wasn't my usual bubbly self after she gave me instruction to not talk her her. I explained I was following her instructions to not talk, so I kept it simple. I did go on to explain I enjoyed talking with her over the years and getting to know her better. That this is the part of the job I enjoyed, getting to know the people and families I do business with. She was almost gleeful at the hurt she was causing me by her words. I truly try to do what a customer requests. This is not someone I choose to work with any longer. I do not wish to do business with some one so rude! She assured me that they wanted to keep doing business with me. I kept an open mind going in for her talk and I know sometimes emotions can run high at the time. I didn't want to make any decisions at the heat of the moment and needed time to think after our "talk" meeting. So after some much needed sole searching. I came to the conclusion fairly quickly and started writing out my termination notice. I used these quotes to help me see the situation more clearly...

It was the last quote, sometimes you have to walk away, not because you don't care, because they don't care. 

I walked away from my mother and now I'm walking away from this toxic customer...

Here is my message I will text. I'm still going to think on this for a few days since it is still raw. Maybe I'll make changes to my message or maybe I won't. Sometimes it's best to think on things for a few days. It is also a complicated relationship with my customer because we are good neighbor friends with the person's adult child. 

What I do know after this message has been long sent and received. I will move on, it will become a distant memory. Maybe I will be more reserved around customers, maybe I will continue to be me and continue on the same. I do know there will always be more customers and more challenges I'll face as a business owner. I have peace of mind, knowing I am in control of my life, my business and all of my decisions. Something better might just come along once I close the door on something not so great! I don't need to keep people in my life that do not bring me joy. 

Here's the message I will text. I probably should give notice, but will send when I am ready within the next two weeks. 

I have decided it would be best to part ways with you. I prefer to work with customers that value me as a person and not just the "hired help or a servant" whom you believe should be seen and not "heard".   I was shocked when you told me "not to talk anymore while working and that I am exhausting". I have been nothing but helpful, caring and kind to you over the many years. I am not just a house cleaner, I am a friend, a mother, a wife, and a business owner.  Constructive criticism is fixable, but an attack on my personality is more then I care to change for you.

Maybe before it's too late, you will realize no matter who you meet in life, everyone including "The Help" deserves respect!



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