Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Workout, meals, diet and other things.

 This is what I'm doing with my time. Trying to work out, meaning run at least a mile a day at the park with or without Zoey. I ran for the first time yesterday with out her. I was SLOW. I like how she gives me an extra fast boost by pulling the leash. I could have used a little boost yesterday on my alone run. I do skip a few days here and there but in all I run at least 3 times a week, which is the goal. Now to up that and try for 5 days a week and then increase my miles. 

I had to do a pause on lifting weights. I pulled a muscle in my left arm and it hurts awful all day and night!  I even went to the chiropractor to help fix it, but its still sore and unchanged. I'm skipping lifting my 15 pound dumbbells till my arm feels good again. 

Seems my body always feels achey all the time! Must be this getting older, 52 thing? 

My diet, staying around 1500 calories for the day. Mostly cut out ice cream, candy and beer. Only having them once in a while instead of everyday. I'm eating more fruit, and veggies. I did crave bread yesterday and had two slices of plain bread. Its a daily battle with me needing to lose 20 pounds and just wanting to eat. I find evenings are the hardest time. 

Still in the hot flashes zone. I swear this has been going on for 10 years now. Not as bad, but when I get hot, I get HOT. It's mostly all night long, hot, cold, hot, cold. Shouldn't I be done with all this now? 

Every week I have a PROS and CONS list going on my week. I really have few cons per week, but try to come up with enough to equal the pros. 

Pros:                                                                      Cons:

old client came back this week.                             Lost a client till Fall (on hold all spring/summer)

picked up a one time client Monday                      Not losing enough weight = not eating less calories

Scheduled a in town #2 vaccination for Celina.    Not reaching 70+F on Monday like predicted

Weather on the weekend in the 70's

Connecting with Annie in France on S.C.

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