Thursday, May 13, 2021

Changing it up to prevent failure!

 I have been trying since January to lose weight or figure out some ways to prevent daily failure. Maybe I'm concentrating on food, when I should be concentrating on exercise? 

So how to make myself accountable and get out the door to actually do something instead of sitting around every afternoon/Evening? 

I decided to try for one month just taking a quick snap chat of each workout/daily. I'm guessing it will turn into how can I do more snaps of me working out, making it interesting and mixing it up for those that look at my snaps. 

I just snapped today while running, showing my feet moving and then Zoey. 
After the run, drinking water! 
I spent Wednesday afternoon lazy laying around in the back yard hammock till someone started mowing! I hate that! Never quiet for long! I just don't want to spend my whole summer laying around. I need to keep moving!
My 2nd way to prevent failure, is to get a Fitbit. While I do like my Garmin. I need a Fitbit to keep me motivated to keep moving through the day. I used to wear one all the time till it broke. I need to invest in this simple tool to keep me challenged and accountable for moving! 
I also need to get on with my home projects! I've been delaying them long enough. Looked at more lighting options for our office. I'm guessing it will be one of the three options. 1. similar to our above the stairs light.  #2. completely different from our other lights #3. Similar to above the dinning room table light, but round. I'm leaning towards #2 or #3, slightly more towards 3? 



I'd better leave for work. Busy day and I want to bike this afternoon so I can snap that! Plus, tonight I'm going to buy that Fitbit watch! It's time to prevent more failure! Already moving in the right direction! Positive steps = positive success! 

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