Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Its Tuesday!

 The front crab apple trees are in full bloom. They look sooo pretty. 

Logan's high school is just doing a grand march for Prom. No dance, nothing else. Logan did say he wants to go, but not sure they will even do the $5 per ticket grand march at the school. It's soon and I don't know his plans as of yet? 

At least college is moving along for him in the fall. I signed him up for a virtual orientation in June. The kids move into the dorms the last week of August. We just need to purchase a twin extra long comforter and sheets plus anything else he wants in his dorm room. At least I think fall will somewhat be back to normal for the college kids? We will take him down to get him settled and have a fun weekend again in Wisconsin. At least this time, we can stay at the hotel and not have to covid camp! I really didn't mind camping but it was noisy since the Hipcamp was next to a freeway on a large wooded land lot. It just would be more fun staying downtown by all the fun things to do along the river. 

I'm ready for summer and summer fun! So far, we've been just staying home, not really going out much since the weather is hit or miss and chilly most days. I'm not sure Steve is ready to be traveling as he is not wanting to plan anything other then going to the north shore this July and to a friend cabin after the 4th. We will also go to the lake property on the 4th of July for that weekend. Just don't have anywhere out of the state planned or any other long weekend. I need something to look forward to and soon! 

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