Thursday, May 20, 2021

Weight loss journey! Day 4

How's my progress on my weight loss journey? Day #4 and still hanging in there. It hasn't been a huge struggle for me mentally so far. The mental part is usually the hardest part, to get my brain to actually do the hard work of dieting! Sticking with losing weight by eating less and trying not to convince myself to quit and just eat what ever till I'm full. Dieting, your never full, just not starving after eating. I'm still hungry in-between but not overly starving. 

This is what works for me! I am back to my 5 calorie drink packages added to water. This keeps me from not having enough flavor in my life. Plus, it feels like a food cheat, when its not. I maybe drink one or two a day. Just plain Water mostly, since these flavored drinks actually make me more thirsty. 

I'm also snacking on store bought popcorn with cheese flavor. 3 cups for 140 calories. Sometimes I eat 6 cups  S L O W L Y! This way I don't go crazy waiting for diner and then over eating my meal. 

I also pre-make/bake sweet potatoes and have them ready to warm up for a quick, low cal dinner. I'd say any plain veggies are good to go! I had corn on the cob with just salt and pepper the other night, last night I had a salad with a lime vinegary dressing. Keeping my calories for the day around 500 to 1000. I'm trying to be closer to 500 as I want to lose weight by June 5th, my son's graduation. Or at least for the summer, swim suit and shorts season. 

So far for exercise I have kept up on running a mile with Zoey and Steve most days. If we skip running, I'll bike or do both. Today is raining so I have yet to run or bike. I'll have to pick one or the other even if it is raining this afternoon! Plus, working this morning and will burn around 200 calories just moving about. 

I keep track of the food and times I eat, plus an estimate of calories burned for each activity. Actually, food ate and burned calories are all estimates. So not an exact science! 

Weight loss? No idea, not weighting self or measuring anything! I do feel like my waist is a little smaller on Day 4. Just not noticing much weight loss which is difficult to stay on track. I'm more about checking off the days on my diet. I lost a lot of weight after 100 days on a  winter on a diet two years ago using this same method. I was not very ridged on the weekends with having a drink and eating what ever served for diners just eating smaller portions. I never felt like I was depriving myself or overly hungry. I think the key was just my mental game of wanting to make it to the 100 days. I had a goal number that I reached and felt my weight was in a good place. I should have made another goal after my 100 days, but I didn't and here we are again needing to lose the weight I gained back! I was doing great last spring March, April and May losing Covid Quarenteen weight, then started baking bread and drinking more and the weight crept up. Staying home and eating as a hobby is not good at all. 
Off to buy more popcorn today for snacks. I go through this stuff! I make sure to measure it out in a bowl too. This keeps my portions in check. I must be a little hangry this morning. Talking to my husband about me calling for plumbers is not going well with our communication. Ugh! I'm just the messenger! I just can't communicate with out being hangry! Time to breath.. and move on.. This too shall pass. Dieting is tough and I'm giving myself permission to not be okay all the time, but I won't give up and give into food to comfort me. It's not the answer! More updates to follow as I move on and do my 100 day diet or at least till June 5th! 

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