Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Eye news!

 Steve had good news at the cornea eye doctor, it all looks healthy and great again after using Steroids to bring the swelling down. We had to wait a long time to see the doctor but it was well worth the wait. Also got to re-visit doing the iris implant and will know more next month when he goes back in for a re-check as they want to wait at least 3 months to make sure the cornea still looks good. The only bummer part is that he will be off work for at least a month with lifting restrictions. 20 pound increasements every week. 

I've been biking every morning and doing my 1 minute plank/bent arm along with lifting 15 pound dumbbells. I can still feel a little soreness in my left shoulder so I'm not lifting as many reps. I did skip walking Zoey the last two days, which I need to get back to doing. 

A few more photos from France that Annie Sent Via Snap chat of her garden. Looks very pretty and look at all her tomatoes! 

I have a very busy, long work day today since I want Wed-Friday off to go some where. So I'm skipping my bike ride. I sure hope we do leave on our mini trip tomorrow. Still not sure where we are going?? Steve just need to put in two sliding glass doors for his parents and drop off an invoice to get paid. So lots to do before we can go some where. I'm wanting to go some where new, like check out Door co Wisc. We will Hipcamp on someone's land, but have yet to book any places to stay. I'm sure it won't be an issue? Or I hope not! Part of the fun is the unknown! Steve wants to go to the North Shore but we plan to go the following week with the kids, so I don't want to go two weeks in a row. The lake is out too because that's not where Steve wants to go. We could work on the beach fixing the other half but that's just not in Steve's plans as of yet! So that will probably happen come September! 

I'm sad that my favorite month of July is almost over. Sunday starts August, 28 days only till Logan is off to college. So many changes coming this fall. I'm not ready! I do need to book him a train ride home for Thanksgiving. It's a 5 hour drive and only a 6 hour train ride so much better then him driving and paying for school parking. Just limits his Time home since the train is at 8am. Doubt we will see him for his birthday unless we go visit him, which might be happening depending on the weather! Its a birthday filled month in Nov and Dec, so we will have to see the cost of things since it's an expensive two months and I'm thinking Steve will be out of work for October resting from eye (iris surgery). 

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