Tuesday, July 20, 2021

In the Mix...

 I would go to the library quite a few times a month and than I stopped going probably when the over due book fine got to huge. In a once in a lifetime, the library decided they would drop all fines if you came in to clear your account during a certain time frame. I did that because I owed more than $45 on everyones library account. Yep, I borrowed books under Steve's account and my kids accounts to avoid fines. They don't let you check out books at a certain fee amount. I would pay off my kids fines but when mine got to be a lot $45, nope, just stopped checking out books. 

I was back to the library for the 1st time since way before Covid started last year. A out of control crying kid was the first sound and it kept going the entire visit. I kept wondering why this parent or caregiver wasn't removing themselves from the library! I was tempted to seek out the crying child, just to see what the situation was because I didn't want to be that Judgmental person if there was a good reason for this loud annoying child. Usually I have a lot of sympathy, but this was over the top LOUD. I only found 2 books of which, one was only checked out. I did scan some magazines, where the covers looked interesting on things to do in MN. Not much substance inside, so found nothing of interest, just lots of ads. 

I finally decided to purge some stuff we were keeping under our deck for at least 5 or more years now that we clearly do not use! Two plastic green chairs, 6 outdoor chairs (no longer have the cushions) and a umbrella pole. We have plenty of shade so no need for the stand. Plus, the chairs we have more than enough that don't require cushions. I listed on Craigslist all for free, but not the bike, its listed at $60.  I might need to drop the price as I got zero response. 

At least I'm attempting to get rid of some of our junk around the house. 

These are not my rocks. Its another blog I follow (Clamo). She does beautiful painted rocks. No idea how she does it. I attempted to try and copy her butterflies from memory only to fail big time. I'm just not that skilled and this is an "easy" design of multiple rocks she has painted. I just need better paint pens. 
I've been doing more biking miles. I usually go by myself. Sometimes with Steve. Yesterday I biked my route in reverse to mix it up. It did help make the bike route feel new. I need to expand my bike loops and go else where for variety when I have the time. 

Logan is feeling sick today. Sore throat, fever and aches. So we are off to urgent care at 8am. A girl at his work had strep so we are thinking it could be that? We've all been vaccinated for Covid, so hopefully its not that!

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