Thursday, August 19, 2021

Biking and bee stings!

The kids and I biked yesterday afternoon. We rode though the Minnehaha park and noticed the waterfall is more of a trickle. There was a small pool at the bottom of the walls were a bunch of pretty large fish were caught and won't be able to get down the river till we get  a lot of rain! So surprising to see the water sooo low! 

 We biked on along the river until a wasp flew into the back of Celina's shirt and stung her 5 times! That ended the bike ride. I rode back 7 mile to the car while Logan and Celina waited to get picked up. The wasp stings were burning her back so she was done biking! After we drove to Whole Foods for lunch and to pick up some items the kids wanted. I paid far too much for 22 items as the amount was $121! It averaged out to $5.50 per item purchased! I think my water bottle was the cheapest item we got at $1.60! Oh and on the way into the parking ramp, I hit a low concrete ceiling beam with the kayak racks on top of my SUV! Lucky for me, it didn't wreck the kayak rack or the top of my SUV. We did have to take off the racks to get out from under the beam in the parking ramp. Ugh, what a day! 

Steve and I had a fun night out on Tuesday. We had diner out on the patio in Hastings, went inside to use the bathroom to find out they were having BINGO night. We stayed to play. It was only $1 per board. Steve had beginners luck for us and won the 3rd game of the night, $51.00 which paid for our meal/drinks and BINGO! 

We might have to go back next Tuesday for BINGO night! A fun thing to do but not sure we will if Covid numbers keep going up as its inside a bar! Just as we are getting back to normal, the doors are getting shut once again! 

Its' going to be one of the last days of 90*F in August, so we are taking the boat out on the St. Croix river this afternoon! It will be just the 4 of us, one last time to use the boat. I'm hoping the kids will want to stop and swim at the island and not just go for a boat ride to eat in Hudson. I'll probably be the only one wanting to float in the water. 

We booked tickets to Austin Texas in October but now are having second thoughts. Texas Covid numbers are going up like crazy. Hospitals are full, so not sure we should be traveling there in a few months? Guess we will keep an eye on the situation and make our decision closer to travel time. I think we can get our money back on the trip tickets? If not it was only around $500. Not a huge loss but still a bummer to spend that much and get nothing in return! I am hopeful we will still be able to travel since we can get a booster Covid vaccination before our trip! I'm looking forward to just going some where and part of the trip will be to the ocean! My favorite place to go! 

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