Saturday, September 25, 2021

2nd Ant in a row??

 I'm on my laptop and along the edge was a rather large ant. I flicked it off and a few minutes later another ant? What the?? Where are these ants coming from and why are they crawling across my laptop screen edge! ugh..nature!!

What have I been doing? Working in the mornings most days M-F, maybe having a day off some where. Last week, I worked all 5 days for at least a few hours every morning. 
My day starts off by getting up some where between 5 am and 7:30am. I just get up when ever I feel like it. Its usually some where around 6am. Now that it stays dark longer, I sleep in usually. 
I still do my floor sleep stretching yoga. Mostly for my legs because the pain feels good. Otherwise, I'd just be far too stiff. I'm already not very flexible, but I do feel like doing yoga stretches every day does help. While doing yoga I go over my daily and weekly todo list in my fitness journal. I update what I ate the day before and check off or add to my todo list. This way, its harder to forget what I need to get done or bills to pay etc.. I plan only a week at a time. 
M-F, I email friends and after do some blog reading and then maybe post something myself. I've been trying to get back to daily planks and dumbbell weights. 1 minute bent arm plank, 10/10/20 dumbbells with 15 pound weights. I should run at the park with Zoey every day, but I don't. Some weeks I get out, others not so much. It's just a mile run and the park is right down the road. A quick 20 minutes out of my day. Not much but sometimes I'm short on time in the mornings because I spend too much time on my phone or doing yoga, or mailing. I really need to switch up my morning order and get in my run before sitting on the internet and emailing. A little habit change can add up to big results! Weekends are kind of more of the same schedule. I always get in my yoga! It's the first thing I do. 

What I eat for breakfast. I have never been a breakfast person. I'm never very hungry. I just have a few (10 or less P.B pretzel nuggets. I always share a few with Zoey (my springer dog) just to get her to come over by me. 

I usually am dressed already for work, just wash my face, brush my teeth, fix my hair into a pony tail and put on little makeup. I'm out the door by 9am most days or somewhere around there. All my customers are within 25 minutes of home. Most are 15 minutes or less away. I get in some exercise, chat a bit and earn some money. I have a very flexible job and don't have a start time, but I like to be done by noon or shortly after every day if not earlier! Every other week, I do have a client at noon, so I do work till 1pm occasionally with usually a break before I go to her house. Easy schedule and I love it. 

You'd think I could be more productive in the afternoon... nope. I usually need some downtime. I have lunch, sit on the couch look at the internet sometimes for hours. Not really moving and some afternoons I get in a nap. A few days a week, I might run some errands, go to Target, Cub or where ever to shop. I might have phone calls or texts to send out. A few bills to pay. I always tell myself I should go bike or run do something productive, but that doesn't happen as much as I'd like. Some days I even spend the afternoon catching up on TV shows I've missed.  

Evenings are not much more productive. We might go to the store, sit outside for dinner on the patio, or go out to eat. I usually clean up after dinner since Steve makes the food. Dishes usually wait till the next day at some point. A few days a week, I have TV shows that I watch Monday, below deck, Wednesday's the challenge. We do like to watch news before bed from 8 to 10pm most nights. 

I'm kind of on repeat on what I do week after week. This is why I love the weekends when we go out of town and camp. I'm forced to be out doors 24/7 and even when we are sleeping in our tent, we are doing something and out enjoying nature. I love exploring new areas and doing something different. A complete change from the weekend schedule. Which is probably why I need down time during the week! 

I've always looked ahead to when.. when I can travel, when I can pay off a car loan, a mortgage, empty nesters, home projects done. I need to just enjoy more where I am and not wait till.. I need to start doing now. 

We are waiting 5 more years to even think about building a cabin. We want our mortgage paid off 100% to not add to our debt. Once again, waiting for something... I will be 5 years older and don't really want to wait but we know that we can build without a loan if we wait. Which is a better investment. 

In 5 years a lot can change with our family. Steve's parents are getting older, both in their 80's, our kids are in college and will be done or all have jobs, moved out of our house by that time. I will be 58 ad Steve will be 60. Closer to retirement if we ever do? Time to do things now. I can't wait longer to live!

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