Tuesday, November 30, 2021

December starting off with 54*F!

 I suppose we should just finish November before moving on to December! Can you tell I'm excited for a 54*F day in December!! Something that hardly ever happens in MN!!! No snow in the forecast for at least 10 day out! That's good and bad. While I love to ski and think snow on Christmas is pretty, I'm still okay without any! 

I'm going to try a dry few weeks of no alcohol. It's time to lose weight and it doesn't help having a few drinks a couple of times a week. I also don't sleep very well after drinking. 

We went out for the last time Sunday to White Bear Lake. I wanted to go shopping in all the cute little shops in that area. I saw lots of cute over priced ideas! So didn't buy anything but had fun looking! 

Saw these chocolate bombs and now I want to make more this year! 

Logan's chair project is due today. Steve and Logan worked on it together over the Thanksgiving weekend. He remade the bottom cushion as I made one just to help, but it wasn't perfect and he also made a back rest pillow. 

Since it's going to be in the high 40's this afternoon, Zoey and I will go for a walk at the park. I also need to put the 1st coat of black enamel on the table I'm painting. I already painted two coats of white primer. I just do a coat of paint a day. I'm sure the table will need at least 3 coats of black paint! Feels good to get some home projects done. This is our spare table we bring up to fit everyone around the table. So it will go back in the basement when done. I have a few more oak furniture pieces to paint when I'm done with the table. I'll be painting our kitchen walls before starting those winter projects! 

I'm starting my diet today! I know every day I say today and later on I say tomorrow and at night I say why didn't I stick to my diet! It's time to drop some weight as I'm not happy with how I feel or look. Can't get a better reason to lose weight than that! 
What's my plan? I'm going to have turkey soup with rice for dinner. Trying to stick with one meal a day. I do have pickles or carrots to snack on if I get hungry before dinner. I just need to keep busy in the afternoons. I will still have one or two PB pretzel nuggets every morning because I just love them. Can't give up everything! 

I'm also lifting weights (15 pound dumb bells) 
Planking bent arm 1 minute
walking the dog daily at least a mile if not running it 
working /moving  M-F in the morning
Afternoon home project
Yoga morning and evenings to stretch and relax and reflect. 

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