Monday, January 17, 2022

Bingo again!

 Yes, once again we played bingo this week. This time at the local brewery with a group of friends. At least one of the friends was a Bingo winner! 

I was planning on only drinking 2 beers, but had 3! We were there from 1:30 to 5pm and also shared a pizza that was salty. Probably why I had 3 plus did have 2 big glasses of water with my flavored drink packages. Which reminds me, I need more of those drink packages! This way, I can feel like I'm drinking and not have any calories! 

I finally was able to ski with Evan yesterday afternoon. It was his first time out cross country skiing and he did great! What a quick learner! He wouldn't give up till he was able to get up the hill and go down without falling. I'll soon have another skier to keep up with in our family! 

I got his super nice mug from Evan and Madelyn! Love it!!! 

Steve's truck had been in the shop because the fuel pump wasn't working. It took almost 2 weeks to get his truck fixed. Most of the workers were out with Covid so it took extra long to get his truck back on Tuesday. By Friday, the gas line popped and was leaking lot of fuel all over our driveway and on to the motor. A huge issue! That could have started an engine fire very easily and fast! Yikes!!! I had the kids take the truck Friday due to the snow we were getting. That could have been a disaster for everyone if it had broken while they were driving it. Lucky, it was in our driveway and Steve was the one it broke on while moving up the truck into the driveway. It's now being towed back to the repair shop. Seems they must have forgotten parts to keep the fuel line on! Not happy about this at all!!! 

I will be once again cat sitting for a few days this coming weekend. Nice bit of extra money for just putting down food two times a day. I'll be lucky to even see the cat while I'm at their house. 

I'm ready for some dieting success too. Others that are losing weight see they've lost a few pounds already. I of course don't even think I've lost any yet! Not weighting myself and not seeing a change in how I look is the reason I'm struggling right now. 

I usually skip breakfast but was hungry the last few days. I need to go back to limiting food and making lower calorie choices. I completely gave up yesterday. I had pizza, a bagel with cream cheese, 3 beers and Chinese food including an egg roll and cream cheese wontons followed by really overly sweet kettle popcorn. 

What I did do! 1 min planks, lifted weights, ran on the cross ramp 10 minutes and went cross country skiing for 45 minutes. 

what I need to do to lose weight? 
Exercise daily ( 10 min cross ramp, cross country ski, work)
Eating under 1000 calorie for the day! 

I ate my 1000 calories already today with Chinese leftovers with rice and a banana. Now to get in some exercise and start fresh with the next meal and my choices for the rest of the day! Tomorrow is a new day and every meal is a chance to make a difference! Just have to keep at it. 

More tax data entry work today! I made progress yesterday finishing up all Steve's business receipts. Moving on to gas receipts and misc and last all my business receipts! I have till the middle of Feb when I meet with our accountant to turn in our 2021 tax report. It's a love hate thing with me. A lot of work, but if we get a refund its a win/win. Plus, I love crunching those numbers! I'm always holding my breath until we get the taxes back from the accountant. Will it be a good year of money back or a year we pay in? I hope it's a year we get back!!! We have enough to pay this year! 

Since it's a new year, I always look back at what we did through our receipts, photos and home projects. We accomplished quite a lot this year even during covid! 

All new floors on the main level of our house
Kids bathroom, new counter, sink and faucet with toilet
New toilets in our bathroom and the main level as well as the basement
Changed out the light in the front room and family room
Fixed the other half of the beach at the lake
tiled behind the stove and made a shelf for salt, pepper and oils
Painted the kitchen and family room to match the rest of the main level
Got a new couch in the front room
Got a new/used couch for the 4 season porch
Recovered the kitchen chairs and painted the pine table

Bought a new/used 2019  SUV in April
Sold my old SUV for $3200
Paid for a new Central AC unit $4200
1 year of college done for both kids (soon to be done)
Paid down the mortgage of our house one more year
Paid down the Auto loans one more year

Places we traveled:
Grand Marais camping, multiple times
Lake property camping, multiple times
New Ulm camping
Lansboro camping
Brainerd lake cabin
Austin Texas, visit friends
Corpus Christi Texas, ocean
Wisconsin door count, camping
Wisconsin Milwalkee city fun
Duluth Weekend city fun

Cross country skiing
Jetski on the river
Mountain trail biking
Electric city biking

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Sums up my Monday!

 I had bigger plans to work for an hour on is Monday and after run errands, bank/store, pay a bill all of which I did. I even drove down the...