Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 Yes, Covid hit our family with the new super contagious Omniron variant. I still am negative I can assume since my test yesterday was negative and I have zero symptoms. Celina and Steve also tested positive yesterday morning but only Steve has slight symptoms of coughing once in awhile with it mainly in his throat. Don is still sleeping at 1pm so I have no idea of how he is feeling but he seems tired and does  cough throughout the day. He's on day 3, so hopefully almost better! We all are vaccinated and have booster shots, so hopefully that's why they had very mild cases! 

Only Don took some meds at least the first day and some nasal spray. Steve did take 2 Advil yesterday before bed, but otherwise has not needed anything! Celina nothing since she doesn't have symptoms. We are all wearing a mask when in the same room and everyone is spread out in their own areas of the house. Me in the front room, Celina in the porch, Logan in his bedroom, Steve in our room and Don in the lower level. We only cross paths in the kitchen and all wear a mask when on the main level. I make sure to put mine on when anyone comes down stairs or in the kitchen. 
Tile selection started on Monday for the kids bathroom. We picked up a few samples of tiles. Once Celina has pasted 5 days, she and Logan can go look at the stores to figure out what tiles they want for their bathroom. So Far we are thinking white subway or larger rectangle tiles, this zig zag pattern maybe for the shampoo shelf or maybe black tiles? 

This is also an option to add some color instead of it all being white or gray! 
Maybe an option for floor tile? 

I ordered more KN 95 black masks today. They should arrive in 3 days. My white masks are getting kind of gross now that I've had them for ages. We are getting 20, so plenty to switch out and they will be black since no one wants to wear a white mask except me. 

I fell 2 times yesterday. Once on the driveway, slipping on ice and falling on my knee, brushing that and cutting the top of my right foot. I also missed a few steps and caught myself from falling down all with my ring finger. Its all swollen and unbendable! I don't want to fall a 3rd time!!!  

I'm working on our business taxes for 2021, sorting and entering all the receipts. Plus, putting together two calendars for 2022. I just need to glue in the photos I had printed and bring it to the store to get a binder. 

Stayed home from work today due to the weather. It was supposed to be icy out on the roads with temps dropping and snowing all day long with blizzard, blowing and drifting. Figure my knee and finger needed a day to heal also! I am making up for it by working on Saturday till 1pm. 

We have enough new fresh snow to go cross country skiing when it warms back up to the 20's on Saturday. I plan to go ski with Evan around their yard Saturday afternoon as long as I don't have covid. I'll still wear a mask when over there to be safe. 

Diet day #6!! Yippee!! Goal day! 1 week!!! I'll save my reward for maybe tomorrow afternoon? A pedicure. 

I've been only eating around 800 - 1000 calories per day. No breakfast, maybe lunch or a pre-dinner and dinner. I was craving bread yesterday so I had one roll. That seemed to do the trick and I was fine. I also had rice, salsa, guac with peppers and onions. Lots of spice and flavor. I haven't been tempted to eat any candy, ice cream or cake/tarts. I'm not that hungry and less food seems to be filling me up! It usually takes a good 3 days. After a week can be another hard diet day. It's good to be aware and have a plan in place. I've done this before, gone many weeks 17? maybe more and stayed on my diet, dropping 30 pounds or more. Just have to keep going and know that the weight will come off. My stomach feels a little less fat, but I'm sure that not much weight has been lost and I've been having popcorn with salt so I'm sure have water weight from that. 

Exercise is hit or miss. Stopped running on the cross ramp inside once everyone tested positive for Covid. Didn't want to suck in extra air inside right now. With my finger injury, no more lifting dumb bells until that's healed. We also didn't have enough snow to ski, but now we have fresh snow. The below zero temps are preventing me from skiing right now and my bruised knee and sprained finger. So I'll have to see how that all feels before going skiing Saturday. 

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