Monday, February 21, 2022

Spray paint is my favorite!~!

 I got out the spray paint cans and went to work on changing up the outlet plates and towel bar holder! This mirror will need to be transformed to matte black also, but when the weather warms up to at least 52*F, so I can take it outdoors. 

Still not sure what to do about the light. Do I just spray paint it and change out the glass? It would be a cheap fix as I'd only need to purchase 3 new light covers at $10 each. It's just not the style the kids like and we are limited with the glass cover selection. 

I think the light switch plate turned out pretty nice. I used matte black chalk paint, followed by a matte clear coat of spray paint to seal it and prevent chips and scratches. I didn't do the best job spray painting the old chrome towel bar holder. The rod was difficult to stand up, so the paint ended up dripping a little on one side. It should be fine, as it will alway have a hand towel to cover that up. Plus, the rod can be turned so the drips are at the back side. Good enough for a no-spend fix! I just love spray paint and how cheap and easy it can change up what we already own. No need to go out and buy new when it's easy to transform what you already own. 

After 1 week, my roses from V-day are quickly dying. I used to save the dried buds but will probably just toss them. 

Logan texted me and posted on Instagram picture of his Dallas Texas trip. It was nice to see he had a good time with college friends. 

I had a very low key Sunday after having two, too many drinks Saturday. I wasn't feeling the best come Sunday morning. Food defiantly helped! 

It was supposed to be in the 40's Sunday, which it got up to 43*F, so we took Zoey for a walk at the Umore park road. The other parks would be too crowded and Zoey likes to hunt, zig zagging across the road. I was tempted to let her off leash, but the area is no trespassing off the road and we didn't need to risk having to go in to get her. I'm sure she wouldn't run away, but you never know!! 

We are just waiting for this major snow dump to happen today and Tuesday. Thankfully, I think its going to go north today. Celina has to drive to Mankato and I like that we won't be getting snow till 8pm, after she is back home safe! I'm still letting her use my SUV for the drive just incase there is some snow and blowing of snow. 

Hearing spring is 4 weeks away, does not make me want a lot of snow right now. Sure, I do want to ski a few more times, but would gladly pass if that means we'd see ground instead of snow! 

I've got to do better at working out! I'm just going to do my plank 1 min, lift 15 pound dumb bells 10/10/20 and 10 minutes or 1 mile on the cross ramp. It's the bare minimum right now till I can ski, bike  or run outdoors. 

My dieting is on and off. Mostly off. I'll have to freeze the Costco chocolate cupcakes I purchased Sunday.  This way, I won't eat them, but won't have to throw them out either. My only diet plan is to cut back on calories and eat frozen oj as a snack or popcorn. 

A day in my life goes like this.... 

Get up around 5:30-6:30a.m most days and get dressed in yoga pants and a tank top with some sweater or jacket. 
Do yoga on the floor for an hour, while making a todo list for the day. 
Sit on the couch, email and blog

Feed Zoey and let her outside a few times
Eat a few PB pretzels (less then 10 and give Zoey a few)
Do my 1 min plank, lift weights and maybe run on the cross ramp 1 mile
Change for work, into work yoga pants and a tank. 
Drive to work.. and work till noon most days M-F. I rarely work past noon or a full 5 days. 
Come home, eat lunch. Usually rice/salsa or some other leftovers. Sit on the couch, read the internet, maybe do some cleaning at home or go run errands. 
Eat dinner that Steve makes or find leftovers to re-heat, watch TV, read the internet and go to bed around 10pm. 

Very predictable and boring! Should I do more with my day? Yes, do I, nope! Some days I'm more productive, like when I need to do all that tax data entry or clean my own house or even run errands. Most days I plant myself on the couch doing nothing more than reading the news, looking at Tic rocks, thinking what we could do the following weekend or making lists of things I should be doing. 

After working, I do need some rest/down time. Some days I nap, others I just sit and read. Mostly, I'm bored. I should work more, or try to do another type of job for income, but I don't. I'd rather be lazy or nap my afternoon/evening away. 

I do need to brainstorm other income ideas. Just not sure what I really want to do?? 

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Sums up my Monday!

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