Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Tuesday, February is half over...

 It was a nice Valentine's Day. Steve was super thoughtful and got me roses and a card. Exactly what I needed along with Celina and Don making us dinner of beef tenderloin and potatoes with roasted broccoli

I picked up balloons and a card for Celina to give her grandparents. 

I could tell this made them happy along with Steve getting them roses. His brother always has flowers sent, but we hand delivered our gifts. 

Since dinner was being made for us, we went to Baldman Brewery 2 for 1's on Mondays and got free chocolate covered strawberries. Good beer and a delicious treat! 

It's supposed to warm up today to the 30's. Nice enough to ski, but not sure I'll feel like it. I have the time, so I should but just not feeling like doing much. We do have movie plans tonight. It's cheap seat $5 dollar movie night's on Tuesday. It's been ages since we've watched a movie. Steve normally doesn't want to go see many, but we found one that we both want to see. We had been going to Bingo on Tuesday nights but since someone won the coverall, big pot last week, it's time for a Bingo break or maybe next week, so some other place to do Bingo. I found a bar/restaurant that has a free taco bar with bingo. So maybe we'll go there next week or maybe try a Trivia night even though we aren't great at Trivia!

I'm just feeling extra tired lately. Hopefully, I can stay away for the late movie tonight! 

Time to pay some bills, clean the kitchen and schedule some appointments. Maybe call and see if the x-ray machine is fixed to get my finger looked at today? I attempted to do that yesterday without any luck. It's still swollen and hurts! I also still want to go to the library and get some books to read. Maybe this will jump start my diet again. I have angle food cake to eat today, so dieting is out today! I still will cut back on calories having soup for lunch and a light or no dinner. 

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