Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday.. See you in May!

 We said good bye to Logan at the train station this morning. At least the sun was out! It's supposed to rain/snow with rain starting Tuesday night on to Wed-Thursday! Yuck! We won't see Logan again till May when Celina graduates in all 6 week! I'm sure the time will go by fast as Monday's seem to come fast after a weekend! 

Logan worked all last night till 2am on his project. Of course he waited till the last minute!  

Steve kind of crushed it with Logan's heavy bag getting it out of the car. Oops! Good thing he takes photos and submits them of the project. I'm sure it can be fixed too? He has 6 hours on the train to do touchups if needed. Just not sure the glue would be dry in that amount of time? 

Zoey was wanting lots of treats last night. She always grabs a sock and wants to trade for a treat. I didn't want to give in and she will never give in, so eventually I do give her a treat when she asks! 
Kendra and the family got back from their spring break trip late last night at midnight. Its a long drive from Florida to home! They managed to do it in two days I think. She said it was green from Missouri on down. 6 Hours away it looks like spring! Not at home! Just brown ground and soon more white snow on the ground too! Yuck! I'm ready for spring and summer. I did purchase a few plants for myself. Tulips, daffodils and one other purple bulb growing plant, along with some basil. They are all growing in the front window. 

My bike should arrive on Tuesday before the end of the day. Someone must sign for it and of course, that's my busiest work day this week! I'll be able to put it together inside, but won't be able to ride it till the weekend. Still don't know when the accessories will be delivered via UPS?? 

I ordered another stairs for Zoey to get up and down off our bed. Of course this one is more money than the one they couldn't deliver and now is on backorder. That arrives Wednesday. Fingers crossed it is deliverable this time around!

I was thinking about getting a solar power Jackery 1000 for our camping trips or at least to charge the kids cell phones. We could get a cheap $300 to just charge up all the cell phones while at the lake. It's much needed as the kids sit in the car and run it to charge them up. I also mentioned just putting in electrical at the lake this summer. That requires getting a permit, paying $300 for the year, which is the min amount of $25 per month, might be more now?? Plus, digging a trench down the property line and maybe having to remove trees and roots??? Steve would run the wire and we could have the neighbor friend hook up the electric since he is a licensed electrician. In all we will need electrical anyway. Might as well, get this down this year! So do we just purchase this $300 or $1000 unit? I'd like to be able to plug in an electric blanket or the heater for camping in the spring/fall. We just need a lot more power to do that! Not sure I want to spend $1000 or more for solar panels to recharge. Might need that for the e-bikes anyway? So many decisions!! I do think we decided on the power at the lake as a no brainer this year. Guess we will find out how difficult that's going to be! I have a feeling the neighbors cleared enough trees along the property line that it's not going be a issue of roots, etc.. Just trenching rental etc.. 

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Sums up my Monday!

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