Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Iris Eye Surgery!

Steve was at the hospital early at 6:30am for his iris implant surgery. All went great! The doctor said it looked like a perfect color match!  

His follow up appointment is today at 9:30 where they will take off the over night eye patch. We will finally get to see the new eye color! No more weird color contact lens and it going black on him. This will last a lifetime! We are also hoping this is the last of the eye surgeries! It's been a long road to get to this point after his eye accident Nov 2nd, 2018! 

Yesterday was a rest day and another one today! After today's follow up, we have another follow up in 1 week, 1 month and 2 months. Hoping all continues to look good. He is on lifting restrictions of 2 pounds right now, maybe up to 20 next week and so on. Most likely will have to wait for the 1 month appointment to go back to work. 

We are hoping to get the electricity in at the lake while he is off work, take a car camping trip down south and maybe get the garage cleaned and the yard refreshed the next 30 days. 

We called his mom after surgery to let her know how it all went, only to find out she couldn't move her arm and her lip was going numb etc.. She was going to wait it out and not see the doctor. Steve convinced her she had to go in, so they sent her to the hospital and had every test. All is good. It was just a reaction to her High Blood pressure meds. So they now switched that out. To think she was going to wait it out! 

More crappy weather today. Just cold, rain and cloudy. Guess that's better then snow or tornados etc.. The whole country is either hot or freezing. So tired of crappy weather! Next week is going to warm up, so we might be traveling south after the 1 week eye appointment. 

I'm also cat sitting again this weekend. Earning extra side hustle money is always nice. I had to purchase a new vacuum Monday. The start button got stuck and they said it would cost around $200 with all the repairs to fix. I bought a new one for $300 and took my old one home to see if I could un-stick the button myself! Its worth trying because it would be nice to have a back up vacuum! Plus, it still works! I'm not ready to throw it out. I just will leave it on and not turn it off, just unplug! It could use a new roller, but that can be replaced for around $50.  No big deal! 

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