Sunday, April 10, 2022

Weekend, WHAT are we up to?

 Saturday was a jam packed, filled day. Started our day with cleaning up the house, having 20 year olds that stayed over slowly leave. Going to Steve's before surgery covid test in Bloomington, going shopping at Costco and Cub for a few more items. Winery, followed by our house dinner and watching Celina's college, Mankato State Men's hockey team play in the Champ game against Denver. They lost 1 to 5+?? Started off so good with them scoring right away and then the last 12 minutes it all fell apart. First game we ever watched and go figure, the only game they lost! Someone has to be the winner and someone the loser! 

We were able to sit outside and enjoy the sun. Had a few bottles of white wine and some cheese, salami, salsa, guac and chips with French bread. 

Steve made ribs and a pork roast in the crock pot with roasted califlower and asparagus with a salad for Claudette's 84th birthday dinner. We purchased a lemon meringue cake at Sam's. I just added the dipped chocolate strawberries on top. 

Since Celina's college, the men's hockey team made it to the finals, we all watched the game. There was talk of going to Mystic Lake Casino, doing some gambling and then watching Don's brother's band. The game finished too late after 9:30pm and we were all done by that time. 

I got in a 10+ mile e-bike ride. Glad to have the assistance up those hills on a windy day. I let Tim's gf and Don try out my e-bike around the block. They too are looking at getting bikes. I think soon we will all have e-bikes. They are just far too fun and allow you to ride much farther. My butt still needs to get use to the seat. I still get sore even with the new larger more comfortable seat. It's going to be a cloudy, windy day but at least the temp will be close to 60+F. I'll be biking later on today. 

I would like to spray paint this half bathroom light, matte black, but it might be too windy today. Unless I move my car out of the garage and do it in there? 

We have to go to the stores to pick up a new harness for Zoey. She broke the hook to attach her leash. We also are in need of dog food. Plus, I want to get 4 outdoor chairs for around the fire ring. They are selling fast and I want to make sure we get dark gray chairs! Plus, I need more Tums. Seems I always have heartburn every day. I love spice and flavor so I deal with it. 

I picked up some plant miracle grow. So hopefully, that works and my plants all take off. I need to read the bottle and see how often they need to get a few drops! 

More crummy weather all this week, temps are dropping into the 30's, with storms, rain, windy, maybe large hail and more snow!! Ugh!! 

Steve has his eye surgery Tuesday and the follow up the next day. We won't have any plans all week, only bill paying and staying indoors and home! 

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