Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 It's another bingo night. The cover all is up to $850 so might as well go! I've said it before, but this might be the last Bingo till winter! The kids will join us too. So it will be more money spent, but a fun night out. 

Zoey is going to the groomer this morning. She is in desperate need of a trim. She is looking like a fury beast! I need to get her more breath-dog bones too and more turkey/veggies to mix into her dry food.

I am also treating myself to a facial and hair cut this afternoon. I have to run to the bank to pay Steve's Truck loan. We are almost done paying that off! I'm sure he will want a new truck as soon as that's done, but I'd like to hold off until my SUV is paid 100% which will be in a few years. Ugh! Always something to pay off! 

Monday, we both had the day off, so we drove up to the lake. We had to make sure we could get up the driveway. The water was gone, but there is a low spot to fill in with some rocks. We can easily buy a few bags of rocks to take care of the driveway. I was kind of hoping we could just get the guy to come out and put more rocks on the whole driveway instead of just doing one spot! Steve has to cut down that tree that's hanging over the driveway and about to fall down. We will go up Friday early and will cut that down and get it out of the way. One more project! We have sooo many trees to cut and clear! This wasn't even part of the tree cleaning project! 

We got a new dock section. It floated up on our shore. We saved two old dock sections from when we had a dock. Now we have three and this one is at least in really good shape! We keep looking at getting a new dock 20ft aluminum with wheels to roll in the water. I'm just not sure we need a new dock! It's also a pain to take out the dock every fall. We don't have a ATV to pull it out and would need to move it ourselves. 

The beach damage wasn't too bad from all the flooding. The water was over the wall. So we do have a lot of sand to replace. I'm guessing we most likely will get more rocks delivered and sand. This way it will be quick to dump and fix all at once. This might be a yearly project! I'm hoping we can build up the wall high enough this year and that will take care of it. 

Sunday night I had to feed the cat for the last time. It was a nice night so we headed up to the roof top. Took in a beautiful sunset. It was a bit chilly but at least not windy! 

Got lots of great photo's as the sun was setting

Our explore Sunday, Wisconsin Willow River Park. A hike to see the waterfall. 

Nothing crazy for water. This wasn't flooded at all in Wisconsin. 

A cave in the hill side of the waterfall area
Steve getting a little too close! 
Over looking the St. Croix river below

Our Sunday fun day. Wineries, breweries in River Falls Wisconsin and dinner riverside along the St. Croix at a new restaurant in Prescott. 

Day5 of no Caffeine. I finally feel normal! It was a real struggle Friday and Saturday! I felt so out of it and tired again Sunday. I actually felt fine Monday but napped a lot on our ride up to and back from the lake. I am sleeping better and no heart burn! Even with spicy foods! That was the goal! 

Now on to the diet. Started off great Friday and Saturday. Sunday, afternoon with wine, beer, fries and sharing a burger was not the best, but at least I didn't finish my half of the burger, limited the beers and wine. Monday, ate healthy
B-fast Smoothy
Lunch  - Turkey sub
Diner - Chicken patty with a pepper and salad
Snack- popcorn and a frozen oj

Got in a bike ride too and we did some hiking at the park over the weekend with some yard work/rocks and grass seed, cutting branches and some house cleaning. 

This week, I work Wed and Thursday. Not a great money making week like last week! We leave to the lake again Friday and will be back Sunday. There is rain so plans might change! Can we get a break on the weather!
Today is a facial and a groomer appointment along with paying the truck loan and getting in a bike ride with bingo tonight! Busy, but fun day ahead! 

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Sums up my Monday!

 I had bigger plans to work for an hour on is Monday and after run errands, bank/store, pay a bill all of which I did. I even drove down the...