Wednesday, June 15, 2022


 We have a seed problem! From Cotton Seeds to now River Birch and soon Maple tree helicopter seeds. I'm keeping up on the deck by vacuuming it. I already had to empty the vacuum bag as it was overly full. 

I started painting the garage doors, scraping off the peeling paint from the trim. I did get the painting done on the trim but gave up for the doors since there was too many seeds falling and getting in the paint. I'll try again this afternoon if its not raining. 

With some bad news this week. I also have good news. I'm getting a replacement water bottle holder for my bike. The other one broke, so Rad is replacing it for free. 

I ended up biking by myself yesterday. It was too hot for Mollie to join me, so I rode to Subway and home. The breeze felt good and I was happy to get some exercise. I wasn't that sweaty after riding. 

Steve and I went to Bingo last night. The cover all was up to $900. Steve won a game of bingo with two others so spit the $99 three ways. Better than nothing! Two people won the coverall, so we can take a Bingo break! It was sooo crowded at Bingo we didn't get our usual spot at the hightop. We were stuck in the back room and not loving it. Finally some non-bingo players left and we grabbed a hightop. Its been that kind of week. 

On top of all the schedule cancellations, not cat sitting, people taking a break or not needing help this week, I found out a customer passed away last week. Sad news even though I didn't have her for a customer for very long. I've lost a few customers and their pets over the years. Just part of the job that I didn't expect getting into this occupation. 

We have no real plans set for the weekend. Most likely we will go boating on the St. Croix river. Steve is going to the car show with his brother and Dad, no idea what day as it runs Thursday- Sunday. Also we want to go to the Farmer Market in St. Paul either Saturday or Sunday. Which ever day we are not boating. 

I need to plan a hip camp get away for the following week! Found out that Cannon River is still too high and no-one is tubing or kayaking yet. I'm also wanting to do that this summer. 

We have Sauk for the 4th and then Grand Marais the rest of the week. That's all the vacation plans we have until Logan is back to college the end of summer. Need to find out the date for move in to plan our Wisconsin or Michigan vacation! 

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