Monday, August 1, 2022

August 2022

 We had to say goodbye to July yesterday! At least we spent most of it at the lake. Soaking in summer days and the kids both home. Steve reminded me, this could be the last summer we are all together. You just never know where our kids will be at in their lives. Right now, both home for the summer and have time off from school and soon to be work! 

It was a breezy weekend but we still got out in the water and for two boat rides. 

We even had time to relax. 

A trip to the winery and a little chess. 

Of course, packing it up on Sunday. My least favorite day of the weekend...

and the boat rides....

I'm still dealing with some type of itching on the bottom of my feet from stepping into some plant on the North shore and maybe itch weed at the lake. It's spreading from the sides of my feet to the bottom. I seem to pick up some type of itchy plant rash on my feet or toes every year. You'd think I'd learn to wear closed toe shoes, nope I just keep wearing sandals and stepping in unknown plants. 

Zoey was picked up last night from Steve's parents house. Even though she loves the lake, we can't leave her alone there if we go to town or to the winery. Some day when we have a cabin we can bring her again. Maybe next time we go and we'll just not go anywhere. 

I'll never get tired of this view from our tent's bed window. 

No plans for next weekend, but I'm brainstorming where to go. Looking for a close to home adventure. 

I have the day off to clean up all the camping stuff, wash the sleeping bags, clean the kitchen and do some clothes washing too. A good re-set for the week since I work till Friday. I have a few new customers, so it mixes up my schedule. I also lost one new customer, but that's to be expected. You can't always make everyone happy. I've learned not to take it personal, but to learn from it. I decided instead of just letting it go, to ask why. Never hurts to know how I can improve for my other customers. Some people have unrealistic expectations and that's okay. It's just never going to work out for them. It does help me be more on top of my game to know how I can improve and not make similar mistakes in my work. I'm not perfect and I have good days and unmotivated days. Sometimes you think after all these year, I've figured it out, but nope... always a learning process. Because I have so many different customers that are essentially my boss, it's a constant adjustment to meet everyone's expectations. I can't control my speed. I just work hard and try to do the best I can. I suppose the biggest complaint, is not being there hours. In 4! That's too much when I can easily do it in half that time. I don't charge enough for 4 hours! People want you to slow down, but not when it comes to everything else they want NOW! If you're a server and go slow they call you lazy and that affects your tip. If you go slow at a customer service job, they get mad for waiting, you have to work fast if your hourly.  Go fast at cleaning and your not doing a good through job. Really? How about you just keep moving and working hard enough to sweat and get a good workout while doing it. Plus, I've kept my prices pretty low since I know I'm a fast worker. I don't want them to say, work longer. I don't have time for that! I want to work and be done! 

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