Thursday, August 11, 2022

One more weekend at the lake in August! Glamping!!

 The high bridge over looking the river on 35E.  

I'm not great at heights and I never made it to the edge of the rail to take this photo. It always freaks me out. 

It's going to be just me and the dog tonight at the lake. I'm looking forward to this view! I know that tonight I'm going to sleep great in the tent! I just love sleeping outside and the air mattress is super comfortable, more so than our bed. Plus, having Zoey at the lake tonight will be nice for some company and security. She is a great guard dog. 
My favorite part of arriving at the lake, is walking down the path I made a few years ago. It was pretty much a naturally made path through the woods but we did take out a few small trees and I added mulch and now some branches on either side of the path to make it more defined. Looks 100% better.  Not sure if we will be able to keep any of the path once we start clearing trees for the cabin build. Might have to make another one, but for now I'll just enjoy the current path for a few more years. 

I'm looking forward to doing some floating on the water, relaxing and cutting more trees this weekend. I had the electric company come out to mark power lines. This way we can figure out a path to trench for adding electric. I'm guessing we will just get trees cleared and next spring start digging. I was hoping we'd get in the electric this year, but we concentrated on making the driveway bigger and adding more grade 5/crushed rocks to build it back up in a low area. We still have until 2026 to get all prepped for a cabin build. Mostly, tree clearing for the cabin, electrical and septic system. I am guessing next year will just be digging the trench, laying wire and getting that electric hooked up to use in the summer of 2023! 2024 will be well digging more tree cleaning and 2025 will be adding septic and clearing the rest of the trees for a cabin build the following summer. I'm sure time will go quick, just doesn't feel like it right now. Not that I want  to be that much older, but we want to have a place everyone can come and enjoy the lake for those that refuse to tent glamp! 

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