Thursday, September 15, 2022

Not sure what day I'm on for sleeping outside in our tents!!

 I've been sleeping outside in the tent for ? not sure how long now. We go away on the weekends and I am also sleeping in a tent, but not in the back yard. Zoey our dog just can't wait to go out and sleep in the tent. Plus, I love the cooler sleeping tents outside vs inside the house where it's always hot upstairs even with windows open. 

Here's my snap from last night. She was all covered up. Didn't really need to be that bundled up last night since it was only down to 60/62*F. I was actually warm and took off covers and put on the fan for awhile. I close up the tent at night, so no extra breezes come though as usually I need to keep it as warm as possible. It was a bit windy too, but no rain. We might get a sprinkle early tomorrow but that too is hit or miss. Hopefully, Miss!! 

My pot roast turned out so yummy! I used two cheater packages along with white wine instead of water, plus seasoned the meat with adding in some fresh thyme, salt/pepper. Baked the potatoes in the oven since those always are hard if cooked in the crock pot. Decided to add in squash, mushrooms, onion, carrots and garlic cloves. Sooo good! I even surprised myself at how good it tasted.

 Plenty of leftovers for tonights dinner! 

I got in a quick 10 mile bike ride. Had to stop to take a photos of the white bird with all the geese. 

I'm kind of tired of the same route. I have new routes I want to try but have to drive there. So, its a bit of a challenge getting my bike in and out of my car, plus extra time just driving and not spent biking. I do like the variety and want to check out new bike paths. 

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