Friday, October 14, 2022

White Surprise!

 It's not the surprise I wanted! SNOW!! It's too early, October 14th. It's still coming down but I'm sure it won't last. Only and inch but enough to cover the grass. 

I do love to cross country ski, but too soon to think about that! 

To think this was taken last night, looking out my bedroom window. Who knew we'd have snow on the ground today with Tuesday out in the boat and 80*F! 

Looks like we will be home this weekend. We see mid 60's for next weekend and will make the trip to visit Logan. I really wanted to go somewhere this weekend, but we will find other things to do, maybe wineries, using gift cards to restaurants or movies? Plus, we have yard clean up of leaves and furniture to put away with a garage to clean up. 

Of course we were planning on doing a no drinking for 5 weeks /diet till T-day starting today. I have a plan... 

I'm going to add those drink packages to water. This way I have a zero calorie drink with flavor. 
I need to lose weight. If it's just 5 pounds a month, till spring. That's a loss of 30 pounds by spring. Which I need to lose. My weight keeps creeping up and I'm tired of this extra weight. It needs to go! So time to get serious and start on making progress. 

Breakfast- nothing as I'm not hungry 
Noon- veggie soup, just a can so I can control portions and know the calorie number
Dinner- what ever Steve cooks in small portions, skipping butter. 
Snack- popcorn (must measure out 3 cups)

I'm sure lunches will be changed up, but I want to make sure I know exact calories. 

Dumb bells
Cross ramp 1 mile (10 minutes) 
Walking the dog 
Work mornings
Now to get moving and make it happen with exercise! I'll do measurements tomorrow and won't concentrate on the scale. Just on how my clothes fit and more importantly, just follow through with staying on a lower calorie meal plan with getting in exercise though the day. No more sitting on the couch after work for hours. I need to plan an afternoon workout daily at 2pm. Maybe a walk at night with Zoey too. 

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