Monday, November 7, 2022

Celina's 1st Day of working!!

 I don't have a first day of work photo yet of Celina. It's her first day on the job, full time after graduating college. A real job in the field she went to school for working for G.M. Its a contract job right now, hopefully they will hire her on as an actual employee after the contract expires. At any rate, she is getting working experience and getting paid. 

We faced timed Logan yesterday with Celina on his birthday. Sounds like he had fun with his college friends. They made him a cake and watched movies. We will see him in two more weeks and then can have cake to celebrate his 20th birthday! 

I finally checked off getting a shingle shot. I got it Friday afternoon. I'll have another one in two months. It sure made me tired and sore. I was so tired Saturday, I slept till 10am! I never sleep that long and was still tired when I woke up so I slept more on the couch! 

We did go to a wine tasting Friday night at the Cannon falls winery with Don and Celina. A fun night out. 
Saturday, we picked up the turkeys and had a drink at the brewery in Cannon falls before coming home. I was too tired and sore from the shot to do much of anything. 

Sunday, I woke up feeling great! We got to sleep an extra hour. Day light savings time, fall back! I was in full cleaning mode. Deep cleaned the lights, under the couch, windows, behind the furniture etc.. Now to organize the laundry room and office this coming weekend to prep for everyone coming over for T-day. I am starting early, so all is ready! 

I'm also cat feeding this week! I had to feed the cat Saturday morning. Peeled myself off the couch todo that and came home. I'll be cat sitting till Wednesday morning. It's a little extra money! nice! 

I also have plans to spend Tuesday and Thursday morning hanging out with Evan before School for an hour. This way he won't be home along. I'm bringing over some kid cook books for us to make something for breakfast. I'll bring over croissants tomorrow. They are from TJoes and just put out the night before and bake. We made donuts together a few weeks ago and he liked cooking. Maybe I'll bring over my waffle maker? Lots of options! 

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Sums up my Monday!

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