Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Logan is home for the week!!!

 I should have taken a photo of Logan as he walked towards us at the train station. Here is a photo from a month ago in October when we all went to Milwalkee to visit. 

It's good to have him home. We picked up pizza and he ate as we drove home late last night at 11pm. He brought home all dirty clothes so first job was to wash everything he brought. Saves him money washing clothes at home since they charge at school. We will have him home till Next Tuesday morning when he goes back on the train to Milwalkee. At least he will be home again for a month in 3 weeks. We won't see him till spring break which will be in March or April a long stretch. 

We ended up getting a parent plus loan to help pay for college this year for Logan. We just can't keep coming up with $10K per year, plus give him $300 a month for food and school supplies etc. 

Steve's truck will be paid in full in 5 months, so after we are able to put that money towards paying for an  apartment next fall. Logan will also need a job this summer to save up and pay part of his share. 

I have an easy work day today. Just an hour of working, going to be with Evan this morning for an hour and stopping at the store to pick up cheese and half/half to make the Mac & cheese dish from scratch. Plus anything the kids need to make pies. 

I'll save cleaning my house for tomorrow since I have nothing to do till 3pm when everyone shows up. If the weather is nice, I'll take Zoey for a walk and get in some exercise before the big meal. Since we ate turkey all week, I'm only looking forward to having stuffing and my Mac and cheese with all the pies. 

Steve has this last job until he gets a big basement finishing job. That's on hold till they sell their house and it's been on the market almost 3 months now? We might have to do some advertising to get him some jobs until that one comes though. He does have some work lined up this spring to repair decks, and a potential other work too if they sell their house and move locations. It's all up in the air or on hold due to weather outdoor work. A little stressful, but we should be fine till he gets more work. There are always jobs out there. We just need to advertise a little. I'm hoping it all works out and the next job is ready to go after he is done with this job. Fingers crossed it all works out!!!

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