Thursday, December 8, 2022

Almost 10

 Day 9 of my diet of 500 or less calories. I've been staying around 400 every day. Yesterday I had a late lunch of 4 pieces of Canadian bacon, and some roasted parsnips followed by 4 more for dinner and some popcorn. All which was around 410 calories. I needed the protein!! Hard to tell if I've lost much weight. Could I have lost 9 pounds by now.. almost 10? Maybe as it's possible. I still need to lose a lot more weight! More like 30 to 40. Why did I let myself gain back that weight! Would have been easier to just do this low cal died a few days every once in a while. I'll have to get my brain to remember that its easier to do a shorter fast diet then to go back from scratch and have to lose the weight all over gain. 

Since I still have covid, I haven't been exercising. Just working a little every day which does burn around 200 calories. I still have a headache every day which could be from covid or my low cal diet? Not really sure but I am taking Excederin for the caffeine too. 

I'll be happy when I reach day 10! Only 16 more days of dieting to do before Dec 25th. I did book restaurant reservations for Dec 31st at a pizza place. I do plan to only have one meal that day to allow myself some pizza. Same with Christmas, save the calories for dinner. I just have to stay on track and not give up for myself. I need to be back down to around 145/150pounds this spring or sooner! 

How I've been feeling on my diet. The hardest time of the day is afternoon, sometimes evening but not as much as afternoon. It's because I'm not doing much. Just sitting around on my phone or watching TV. 

Haven't measured my waist, thighs or hips yet but I'll start today! A good starting point for continued weight loss. 

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