Monday, December 12, 2022

Day #13 almost 2 weeks done!

I'll be super happy to reach my diet day of #14, 2 weeks done! I'm on day 13. The weekend was a little challenging on Saturday night and Sunday till noon. 

Going out to eat is difficult staying on a diet. We shared food which made it easier to not eat as much. Although I was able to limit it to one drink. Those calories I needed to eat instead of drink away as I was starving on Sunday and very grouchy because of it. I'd rather eat my food then drink the calories. I paid the price for that on Sunday. 

Sunday I ended up having a bowl of veggie soup (can) that was 170 calories and I felt much better after. Then I had some low cal 3 cups of popcorn for 120 calories and dinner which was a chicken breast without skin, sweet potatoes roasted and a small white potato. All I figure around 600 calories for the day, which was 100 more then my goal of 500 or less, but still good considering I actually was super hungry all day! 

I managed to make candies this weekend, Santa bellies, almond bark pretzels, 7 layer bars, fudge and peanut brittle. I didn't even have a taste of sugar! I've had all in the past and know what they taste like, no need to indulge. I'll be giving away all the treats to family and neighbors. This way, less for us to eat around the house. I love baking during the holidays. 

I've also worked out. 
1 min plank, 
Dumb bell weights of 15 pounds 10/10/30/10 lifts
10 min on the cross ramp
Cleaning our house or working. 
Drinking lots of water and only water! 

I actually purchased a large tank top instead of an extra large. It fits loose. My jeans also weren't tight and I can tell my leggings are also getting looser. Starting to feel the weight loss effort but I still have lots to go! 

I'm planning on measuring my waist, hips, thighs and arms today to see if I lost any inches. 

We have Logan coming home on Friday and a neighbor's party to attend Friday night. I'd like to drop some more weight before Friday, so I need to stay focused. Only 13 more days to go till Christmas. I've got this!! I'm at the half way point!! 

I've been looking up how much weight can you lose on a 500 a day calorie diet. Well, I suppose it's possible to lose anywhere from 10 pounds to 20 pounds. Maybe 15 is more realistic in a month? At any rate, any weight loss is better then staying the same, not losing or gaining this time of year. 

I have a goal weight of 155/145 by spring time(May). That is 100% do-able if I keep going and stay focused. 

It will be nice once I lose enough weight for everyone to start noticing. Plus, have more clothes options to wear! Time to feel off this fat suit and be healthy again at a lower weight! 


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