Friday, December 16, 2022

Day #17.. I can see the progress!!

We are going to have a white Christmas this year! More snow today! Yesterday we got about 3" and another 2 or 3" today. It's wet and heavy stuff!  

Day #17 of my weight loss diet of eating around 500 calories per day. It's also week #3!! 

My waist is actually looking smaller. Sometimes it's hard to notice the weight loss. I asked Steve if he could tell I've lost a little weight. He agreed! So it's working! This diet isn't difficult for me either which is nice. I am not starving. I still have energy and feel good. Plus, it makes losing weight a lot quicker than eating 1000 - 1500 calories a day and only losing 1 pound a week. I'd never last on that for very long since I wouldn't see results. It's a good calorie amount to maintain after I get to my goal weight. 

Right now I'm concentrating on getting to week #4, and hitting Christmas Day #26! after I want to keep dieting till January 1st. I'll have a few splurge days where I'm going to go over 500 calories but want to stay under 1000. I am a bit worried about tonight. We are bringing kabobs, chicken sausage, pineapple, potatoes and peppers. If I stick to real foods, not cheese, or high calorie dips. Limit myself to one drink 100 - 200 calories I should be fine. I'll have soup for lunch as to not be starving before going to the party tonight. I'll also be burning around 500 calories for the day with work and working out on the cross ramp. All this will help to burn calories. 

Yesterday. I mixed up my eating a bit. Only had popcorn for lunch, took a long hour plus nap in the afternoon. Ate some soup and rice/pork for dinner. Eating around 490 calories for the day and bring 500 calories. 

Other news, Logan comes home today at 2:44pm. Plus, I have most of my shopping done. I just have to wrap stocking stuffers and a few more gifts. It will be nice to be done a whole week before Christmas so I can concentrate on baking cookies and breads to give away. 

I also need to take some measurements today. So 4 pounds is equal to 1" lost around your waist. I think I thought it was 8 pounds. So I've lost 3-1/2 pounds so far starting on day #9. Maybe I can add 2 more inches? That would be a 20 pounds weight loss? Not sure if I lost that much, but I at least lost 10 pounds if not 15 or close to it. 12? Unfortuntley, I have more weight to lose and this is the good point where I should really be able to see more weight loss as long as I keep going on my weight loss diet and don't give up! I have a goal to wear a bikini this summer! I have all these summer clothes I'd like to wear again along with some cute red jeans I need to fit into! 

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