Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Happy 47th Birthday Tim


We went out last night to Malcome Yard in Mps to celebrate Tim's 47th birthday.

I have no photo's of the food last night. We all got the fried Korean chicken sandwich. I ended up just eating half since it was so big! Also tried some bean pancake with pork belly with some Indian red curry sauce on top that was very tasty and flavorful. Had one glass of beer and called it good, then had a small glass of champagne while having a silver of cake and skipped most of the frosting. 
Still a higher calorie day with the fried food. I did only have 3 cups of popcorn for lunch to keep the calories on the lower side. In all I did save on calories by only having one beer, a small taste of cake and half the sandwich. It sure makes a difference!! 

The last three days have been more challenging to stay on my diet. Christmas Eve I managed to have just one low 100 cal drink/spritzer and stuck to lower cal foods, skipping the desserts, cheese or any other high cal foods. 
Christmas Day I knew the calories would be higher as I wanted more drinks and have dessert along with bread and some gravy. Plus ate two meals with having breakfast that morning too. In all I stopped with 1 slice of bacon, a small slice of quiche and didn't make coffee cake or caramel rolls to not tempt me into eating stuff to gain and not lose. Could I have skipped some extra drinks? Maybe, but I wanted to have a splurge day without going too extreme. 

Now that Christmas is over and the birthday celebrations, we move on to NYE.. but before we are going out to play Bingo tonight which of course has more non diet temptations. 

My goal is to skip alcohol tonight and just drink water. I've had alcohol 3 or 4 days in a row now. It's time for a break! I've also decided to just get one soft beef taco for dinner while out. I should be around 100 for lunch /popcorn and 250 calories for the taco. Which will be a very low cal day coming off two higher cal days. 

I also didn't get in a workout, but I did move a lot more and had almost zero couch time the last 3 days. 

Today, is work to burn 200 calories and the gym plus my morning workout. It's also nice enough to go cross country skiing today with the temp warm up to 27*f for the high. It's only 8 degrees early this morning, so I'll wait till 2:30/3pm to ski for at least 40 minutes before we head out to play bingo tonight. 

I fit into a holiday sweater that I didn't need to purchase. Just went through my closet. Jacket are also fitting less tight and I can wear all my large leggings comfortably now. Which its nice to have more clothes options that are smaller in size! Dropped half inch on my waist too even with the 3 days of splurges. Goes to show you, sometimes the weight comes off after a splurge day and not always needing to be so strict on food. 

I made it to my initial goal of Christmas Day #26 on my diet. Now to get to day #100!! I also have another goal date of Feb 24th Which is Celina's birthday to be down more weight too. Some mini goals of hitting every new week. Starting tomorrow week #5, can I still say 5 pounds of weight loss per week? 
I have lost 3-1/2 inches around my waist and hips since day #9, 14 pounds since week #1-1/2. I'm guessing I'm over 15 pounds of weight loss. I was hoping to say 5 pounds per week? I still won't weight myself for fear I'll give up if the scale is heavier than I want to be at this point. There is really no reason to weight myself since I know the inches are coming off and my clothes fit a whole lot looser. I know I have at least 20 more pounds to lose. I've got the dieting down, now to pick up the exercise and make sure I do some cardio and weights every day once again as this is critical to keeping the weight off in the future. I'm tired of gaining and having to re-loose 40 to 50 pounds. I want to just keep it off and be tone. It will require me to be more mindful, but in the long run it pays off! This will be my 3rd time losing at least 30 pounds. It's so much easier to stay lower in calories then to gain. It's also important to keep moving so I am heartier going into the upper 50's and beyond. 

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