Saturday, December 3, 2022

Weight loss day 4, Saturday

 I'm on day 4 of my weight loss journey to get back down to my goal weight. I gained all of the weight I lost back 10 years ago. I managed to keep it off till covid hit in 2020. With lock downs, happy hours and bread with the stress of it all I packed on the pounds. I hurt my feet after the last 1/2 marathon. Not sure what year that was. Without being able to run 6 miles a day the weight came back quickly. 

So far day 1 through 3 were pretty easy. Maybe because I ended up getting Covid on day 2 of my weight loss journey. My stomach was upset and hurt the last 3 days. I didn't have an appetite. 

Yesterday I only ate a can of veggie soup 160 calories and a few PB nuggets with meds to help my stomach from burning. 

I want to lose at least 20 if not 30 or 40 pounds. I did it before losing at least 40 to 50 pounds and I can certainly do it again. It took from the end of August to the Middle of October on a low calorie diet to lose most of the weight. It came off fast and quick as I was determined to lose weight. I never weighed myself, I just went by how my clothes were fitting. At some point I got out the tape measure and would keep track of my losses by the inches. 

I already notice a difference in my waist. 

Will it be easy to keep going day after day? I have an end point. December 25th because it will be Christmas where I'll want a drink and maybe a taste of dessert. Maybe try everything but eat nothing is the way to go on deserts? Just a taste if it's worth the calories? If not, skip it. Same as alcohol just empty calories that pack on the pounds. Maybe just a sip or none at all? Not really sure how I'll feel come dec 25th. It seems like a very attainable goal to reach that date. I have lots of incentive as family will all be here. I'll have more clothes options too! If I stay around 500 calories per day, can I expect to lose a pound a day? Not really sure. I'd settle for a pound every 2 days which would be 17 pounds weight loss or 25 depending on how much I lose. Do I feel deprived? No, hungry? no.. 

I've done successfully both the diet part and exercise. I just need to recreate that and make progress. It sure feels better to wake up each morning knowing I'm losing weight and not gaining or staying the same. 

I might not be doing both the diet and exercise at the same time, but I know it's critical to keeping the weight off once it's gone. When I first lost 40 pounds, I just dieted to November. In November I added Cross country skiing and then started in on the gym lifting weights and running on the cross ramp 15 minutes at first and upping it to 1 hour eventually. Spring time I started running outdoors and started off with 3 miles and then up to 6 daily. It made my morning the best part of the day. Just running and working up a sweat. Sometimes, I'd be tired after my early morning workout and I'd go back to bed for an hour before having to go to work at 9am. It's time to recreate that plan. It made me feel so much younger to be able to move. 

I've got this.... 

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