Thursday, January 5, 2023

Day #37.. almost 40!!

  I am sooo close to day #40! Even though I weighed myself and didn't like the number, I'm still on track and didn't give up. I don't want to give up. I love waking up each morning knowing it's another day on my diet. More weight will have been lost even if I can't see it that morning. I know all the days are adding up and more weight dropping off. 

Yesterday, it was a snow day off from working. I waited till we had the roads cleared and the driveway before venturing out to ski. 

Since I didn't have to help much with the driveway. Steve took care of that with the snow blower. I had energy to go cross country skiing. 

The trails were just packed and not groomed for ski groves. It was still better than nothing. It was beautiful out there. 

I was a bit freaked out by all the down pine tree branches. There also was lots of snow falling from the branches so I kept my hood on till I got through that area. I decided to do the big loop around the park. Probably a mistake on my first ski of the season. It was a lot to ski! 5.5 miles I think and it took 1-1/2 hours to get back to the car. I was tired and my left foot toes were killing me. Might be arthritis in the toes? They felt fine once my ski shoes were off. I looked up calories burned and it was 700! That was a good workout!

Since I didn't work Monday (holiday) and Tuesday/Wednesday snowed. I have a busy Thursday- Saturday.. Yep working this Saturday to make up for having Wednesdays off. That's fine because I'd rather the roads are safe and clear for me to get around. Plus, we have nothing going on this weekend. 

I will be getting in lots of skiing. Not sure if I'll make it today to ski since I will be getting plenty of exercise just working today. I do still plan to go to the gym and get a massage, lift weights. 

It kind of feels like since I weighted myself that this is my starting point of weight loss. I probably shouldn't think of it that way.. I've come so far and should celebrate where I am now. I have until May/June to hit my goal weight. Even if I lose 5 pounds per month only that's 25 more pounds lost! If I lose 10 per month that's 50 pounds gone. I will make my goal weight either way. I just need to keep going and stay focused. My efforts on weight loss will determine when I start maintaining and no longer need to lose. I was able to maintain for 10 + years, so now it's time to do the same. I just can't fall back to bad habits of eating whatever, drinking as much as I want and not caring about getting exercise every day. 

I have to work out daily, eat healthy and limit alcohol. That's the key to maintaining weight loss. Plus, be honest and keep up with measuring and weighting in weekly. This will prevent the weight creep. 

Still having popcorn 3 cups for lunch (140 calories)
Dinner Thai soup 3 cups ( 400 to 500 calories) 
and now added a pomegranate for a snack. (240 calories) 
Total 880 calories for the day. 

Yes, it's higher than 500, but that's  a low number to keep maintaining. It was more to jump start my diet and weight loss. It would be nice to lose 4 pounds a week with eating 500 per day. I'll take 2 or 3 instead. It might be slower but I don't feel hungry this way and starving at night. I'll just want to up my exercise with the extra energy. I didn't really have extra energy when eating 500 calories per day. This gives me the extra boost and I can easily burn 400 at the gym or skiing etc. 

Oh and I'm done 1/2 inch on my waist for a total of 4-1/2 inches lost! I still have fat on my stomach that needs to go! It's going down every day and once again it will be flat! That's the big goal!!! 

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