Wednesday, January 4, 2023

New scale arrived.

 My new scale arrived. I tested out the accuracy by placing a 15 pound dumb bell on top. Yep its on point! 

Made the mistake of stepping on the scale. I must have started at a lot higher weight than I thought! Good thing I started dieting over a  month ago and have lost at least 15 to 20 pounds! I still want to get down to 155/145 once again! I have a few pounds to go as you can see! UGH!!! 

I always feel more hungry after eating dinner. For some reason I just want to keep eating. I'm already having a big bowl of soup, which is mainly veggies. Aprox 3 cups of soup in one bowl.  I ended up eating half a pomegranate and shared the other half with Steve. That did the trick and I felt full. Now it's morning and I feel hungry again. I'm sticking with popcorn for lunch and soup again for dinner. It's what I crave now. Once the soup is gone I'll make some other low calorie meals. Maybe more soup? I'm loving soups right now with lots of flavor! I'd love to add rice to it, but will pass since that's extra calories I don't need. 

It did bring me down yesterday after stepping on the scale. I remember that I dropped to 4-1/2 inches lost around my waist. Which is a win. So even if my weight is still high, I am making progress. I just need to remember its more how I feel in my clothes then weight. I just would like to see results fast and have it show up on the scale too. Well it has but unfortunately, I had gained far more initially than I knew so my starting point is a lot higher then my orig 50 pounds of weight loss 10+ years ago. I'm determined to drop weight. 

I might have a cabin girls weekend in Feb and I want to be bathing suit ready for sitting in the hot tub. I have over a month to lose another 20 pounds if I stay on my 500 calorie diet. I've been eating around 700 which is still low and I shouldn't get down that I didn't stay under 500. That's about the calorie in my one bowl of soup. I feel like I need popcorn for lunch to get me to dinner. It was tough waiting to 5pm to eat dinner. Any earlier and it would have been harder to not eat after my soup. Some days after reaching 5pm I am tempted to just skip dinner altogether since it's only 3 to 4 more hours to bed. 

It's a snow day today. So no work. We are all home. Just clearing out all the snow. I helped a little but mostly Steve was able to use the snow blower and it went pretty quickly. Just the end of the driveway and take the snow off cars/Truck in the driveway. It's wet and heavy stuff. 
I even made this cute little snow man in the front. 

Without working today, I'm already wanting lunch. Usually it's easy to wait to 12 to eat, but since I can't go to the gym, I'll have to do my morning exercise and do our cross ramp. Might be able to cross country ski this afternoon. Not sure the parks will be able to groom the trails till tomorrow. I'm sure they are busy with plowing out the parking lots. It's beautiful outside!

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