Friday, January 27, 2023

Day #59!!

 Can you believe that I'm on day #59, coming up to another BIG goal day of #60!! 

I've been doing good too, even with the weekend splurges and eating out. Plus, I'm getting back into exercising every day since I have a few workout buddies. It's helping me stay motivated and doing a little extra exercise every day. I've been working (getting exercise) going to the gym, doing my home exercises and then cross country skiing daily. My legs felt some what sore last night and I almost could have used some Advil to help me sleep, but I pushed through and didn't cave even though it kept me up with achy legs. I feel back to normal this morning. 

I also look more like my normal self looking in the mirror. Normal I mean more back to my pre-weight before gain weight over covid. I still don't want to stay at this normal. I have arm fat and some stomach fat to still lose. I've been lifting heavy weights to tone up, but probably need to do more time with weights and get in 3 sets instead of 1 or 2. Just need to go through all the machines twice to get the last rep in. I haven't felt sore arms, so I need to up that too. All baby steps as I'm doing great for just sticking with my exercise plan. I think having lost interest in going to the gym a few years ago and now going to a new PF gym has changed my outlook again. I used to like going every morning to the gym.. then not so much. I'm back at it again and liking it. I want to keep it that way along with always liking to get in some type of outdoor exercise, running, biking, hiking and skiing. 

It's time for an updated photo. I'll do that today with a tank and my leggings. 

Food choices were a lot better yesterday. 
Lunch- 3 cups of popcorn
Dinner - 2 medium baked sweet potatoes 
1 pomegranate
hummus (2 tbsp) and pita chips 4 or 5 (just a few) 
I'm guessing around 530 or so calories for the day. Right in my 500 range, which is low but I felt full. I don't really get hungry till around 3 or 4pm. Popcorn always takes time to eat, has a crunch, is salty and flavorful and low in calories for 3 cups or so... I always look forward to my lunch! 

Exercise yesterday:
1 min plank
Dumb bells 10/10/30/10
Cleaning 1 hour (200 cal)
Cross country skiing 1 hour / 4miles (470 cal)
Gym: stairs 5 min (100 cal)
Walk hills 30 min (100 cal) 
Weight machines 15 min

Total burn 870 calories. 

I don't feel hungry in the morning either. I think after 9 weeks of this diet I've trained my body to not feel hungry. In fact it's only difficult the first 3 days of dieting to start training to not feel hungry. I'm not a morning breakfast person any way, so waiting till lunch is no problem. I do always want to keep eating in the evening after I have dinner. I'm not hungry but it's more of a comfort, habit thing then anything else. 

One more day till I reach goal day 60! and half way through week #9. I'm I ready to weight myself? Nope. Even though I bought a new scale, I'm still not ready to know what my actual weight is. I really don't want to see I'm still in the 180's. I want to be somewhere in the 170's, better yet down to 150's. I'm not there yet and I do know that. It's going to take more weeks, more exercise and less calories to get down to my goal weight of 145/155. I'll have to adjust my calories as I know staying low around 500 to 1000 is not long term. Exercise will stay a priority to keep the weight off. I know exercise is key to keeping the weight off and also a bad diet is impossible to out exercise. I think once I reach my goal weight, I'll need to keep weighing myself at least 2 times a week. Monday and Friday. This way, I'll be able to get back on track after a splurge weekend! Also drinks are always going to be limited and the choice. I'm liking hard seltzers and some amber beers. I'm just not sure of the calories in amber are, but according to what I look up around 150 to 160 calories per 12 oz bottle. Seltzers are only 90 to 110 per can. Otherwise, I drink just water all day long and lots of it. Too much to track! 

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