Sunday, January 29, 2023

Day #61, Sunday

This has been a pretty boring weekend. It's been very cold here, single digits with windchill. I was okay with not going out at night in the cold. Plus, we ate out a lot last weekend -  Tuesday. I was kind of over going out to eat. I just made my Chicken Thai soup and have been eating that for dinner. 

Updated photo today of my weight loss progress. Still have stomach fat, but I keep telling myself every day I've lost more weight and more fat! Plus, I've been lifting weights and doing cardio burning more fat and creating muscles to replace the fat! 

I need to find medium tank tops at Walmart in black that will fit better. This is a large and now too sloppy.
Every time I check a Walmart, they are out of size medium in black. They have all the other colors that I don't want. I just like the fact they are only $3. Maybe I'll have to check out Kohl's and get a tank tops there for $10 or more. I wear this tanks a lot under everything and to workout. 
I completely forgot to take a whole photo of my iced coffee flight this morning. I saw a instagram post from Froth and Cork and I had to try it out myself. I think they have a new flight a month. It might be my new thing to do on Sunday morning, visit different coffee shops that offer flights. Now I need to do a search to see where else I can go. I don't really like coffee, but these all were good and small enough for me to enjoy. I would like to try a hot coffee flight at some point, so I hope to try that next. 
I looked up the calories of a caramel iced coffee and it was about 150 calories.  Most of the drinks were ice and whipped cream with a tiny bit of coffee. 

I also found some other chicken to try at Bon Chon that I need to try. I'm okay with splurging on certain items I want to try and share. It's more like a taste of something new. This way I have a splurge to look forward to eating and an experience too. 

Aft4er coffee, we went to the gym. Got in 10 minutes on the stair stepper, 30 minutes walking 3.2mph rolling hills with an incline, followed by 15 minutes of weightlifting and last a chair massage. Still no cross country skiing today as it's just far too cold. I think by Saturday I can ski again, maybe sooner when the temps are in the high teens. I'll just dress warmer and have on bigger gloves. I am sure that I'll warm up once I start skiing. 
My goal this week, stick to my diet of closer to 500/600 calories per day. Go to the gym every day. Increase stepper to 15 minutes, walk 30 minutes rolling hills with incline and 3mph, with 3 sets, 10x of weight machines. Plus, do my morning plank 1 min and dumb bells. I'll also burn calories cleaning M-F. 
Here's my food today:
Breakfast 9:30am - coffee flight 150 calories
Lunch 3:30pm- Spicy hummus and pita chips 160 calories
a few raspberries 15 calories
Dinner 6pm- Thai chicken soup 400 calories
Taste of chicken chili 6pm, 20 calories  

Total calories = 725
Total calories burned: Walking 150 
stairs 100
Weights 50 
plank/dumb bells ? 
Total burned= 300 

I will wait till Tuesday to remeasure. I am not sure I've lost any extra inches. I seem to be a little suck where I'm at. There will be weeks were nothing will change. I'm still too afraid to set up the scale. I would like to know where I am in my weight loss journey. I figure I should be losing up to 4 pounds per week on this low calorie diet. It could be more like 2 pounds due to weekend splurges. Which is why I'm worried about stepping on the scale. I'd like to have lost 4 pounds per week, but I think more like 2 is what is really happening. Which sets me back as far as what I think I weight. It's still going down every week, just not as quickly as I'd like of course. I still have time to lose weight as I wanted to be at my goal weight by May. I have Feb, March and April to lose the weight 3 more months. I've only been on this diet since Nov 30th. 9 weeks, so that adds another 12 weeks of dieting where I can easily lose another 20 pounds in that time. My weight doesn't have to drop fast, just has to keep going down. I just want to make sure when I do stop on the scale it's not going to de-motivate me to keep going and losing weight. I don't want to feel disappointed if I'm not where I think I should be in this weight loss journey. When I first got my new scale at week #6, I stepped on thinking I'd be closer to 180. Well, not knowing how much I weighted starting out, I was 190. 10 pounds heavier. So I do have a weight from 3 weeks ago. If I lost just 2 pounds a week I'd be at 184/183 now. If I was at 4 pounds a week I'd be at 176. I think there is too much fat on my stomach to weight 176, but then again I am fitting into my old black workout jacket and size 11 skinny jeans fit me comfortably. Or maybe I'm some where between 184/ 176. Like exactly at 180/179. Which is still too heavy. I need to be at 155/145 to be able to wear a swim suit this summer. That is the goal weight and then to maintain once again 20 to 30 more pounds to go! So at what point will I just step on the scale? Not sure.. Maybe in May! 

We also went to Menards to pick up Steve's customer's tile. Shopped at Fresh Thymes and now I'll be working on more of our tax receipts all the data entry. 


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