Monday, January 30, 2023


 I'm almost at week #10, just today and Tuesday, then I start fresh on a new week with hopefully more weight loss! 

Steve made this chicken chili soup yesterday that was pretty spicy. It was good, but I wanted to just eat my Chicken Thai soup which I love. Funny how we are both into making soups now. I would have never made soup from scratch when I was younger. I do make a good southwestern soup and have made a creamy wild rice soup from scratch also. Just not going to make a creamy high fat soup any time soon. 
Celina also has been making her no-kneed breads, which are delicious. I had to have a slice, hot out of the oven. I should have taken a photo. She is baking the 2nd loaf today, so I'll be sure to get a photo of that. 

I have a busy work day 9 to 12:30/1pm I'm guessing since I have to drive out to Prior Lake. I haven't seen a customer in a few weeks, since she was on vacation. Wonder if she will notice a weight loss? I don't plan to say anything so we shall see. I would think people would start noticing the weight change, but?? I probably need to lose at least another 10 pounds for that to happen. 

I'm ready to leave week 9 behind. I think this week went pretty good with eating and exercise. 

Here's the totals for the week
Exercise/calories # burned  / # calories ate

730    /      500
530.     /    770
600.       /  500
730.    /     250
825.   /    200

500.    /    530
Tuesday (predicted)

530.   /     300

In all not bad since I exercised every day this week going to the gym and skiing Wed and Thursday after it was too cold outdoors to ski. I splurged on coffee and some homemade bread. No going out to dinner or having alcohol this weekend helped keep the calories/splurges down. 

I'm thinking my reward this week will be a pedicure on Wednesday. I really need one since it's been since the end of summer. I'm also still in search of more tank tops! Size medium!! Which means a trip to Kohl's and more Walmart searches for black tank tops. 

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