Friday, February 17, 2023

Day #80, week#12

I've been living on popcorn for lunch the past 80 days. It's crispy, delicious and takes awhile to eat. This is why it's the perfect lunch. I do buy my popcorn ready made, Smart pop is my favorite just the plain sea salt. for 3 cups it's 130 calories. This is the container that is exactly 3 cups. I fill it a little over. 
I can tell I've lost weight. I still see a thicker person in the mirror at the gym. It only means I have more work to do, weight to lose. I'm making progress every day little by little. I keep telling myself, I only need to reach my goal weight by the end of May. Its only the middle of Febuary! 


I've been trying to up the intensity of my gym time. Stairmill at 6 or 7 for 29 minutes then the last minute at 10. I'm a sweaty mess after. Then I go lift weights doing a full body workout. I do skip a few machines just because I'm not ready for those just yet. I do try to do at least two sets of 10 on each. Sometimes I have to drop the weight load down to finish. My arms never feel sore the next day. I always expect to feel it but I don't. Guess that's okay because I go daily to the gym. This week I'm trying for 7 days. With going to the friends cabin last weekend, I skipped a few days of working out. 

All my old skinny clothes are fitting once again. It's nice to have other options of things to wear. I have yet to do my weekly reward. I wanted a pedicure but never had time between working and going to the gym. I'll save it for next week. 

We have plans to do a coffee flight this weekend and have dinner reservations at a latin restaurant in Mpls. It's all my idea. I have planned some non diet splurges. 

I still keep track of calories and know weekends will be higher. Yesterday I ate popcorn for lunch, dinner was white rice, pico, taco sauce, hot sauce and 2 Tbsp of guac and after dinner a pomegranate. Delicious and filling. 654 calories for the day and I burned around 600 with working and going to the gym. 

Not many people have noticed I've lost weight. My mother in law mentioned my weight loss last week. Steve said I'm melting away. That's about it. Not that I need anyone to say something... but it confirms that yes I am losing weight and it's noticeable. Sometimes I wonder is it? Doesn't really matter because I am going down in size and feel better. 

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