Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine's Day

 I've been wanting some v-day donuts so I got them the day before to make sure they would not be sold out! Dunkin only had two heart shaped donuts for V-day the chocolate was good! I just took a slice of each and saved the rest for Steve to eat. Just what I wanted! 

Here's what I ate for the day
B-fast - taste of three donuts 150 cal
lunch - popcorn 3 cups 130 cal
Dinner- Med sweet potato 100 cal
Chicken gyro 1/2 200 cal
5 strawberries = 25 cal
Total ate = 605

Tonight is bingo and most likely two beef soft taco's with one hard seltzer for dinner. 

I was watching a weight loss guy's Tic Toe this morning and he talked about our issues with the scale. I have this problem and this is why I have yet to weight myself with the exception of week #6. I was a lot heavier than I thought. Must have started out at a lot heavier then I thought I was. He mentioned that weight gain isn't a straight line of gaining. Just like weight loss for all your efforts is not going to be a straight line of weight loss every day or week. It's up and down. Some weeks I won't see a weight loss change. Just like the measurements I take, I'm not always going to see a reduction. I have to trust the process. It worked and it will work. Just stay the course because the following week you might now see a weigh loss or a reduction in your measurements. I just don't want to get hung up on a number or where I think I need to be at and get discouraged if I didn't reach that goal thinking I was good or bad this week for diet or exercise. It's just about consistency. Keep doing what works and make adjustments. I'm not trying for perfect, I'm just trying to do better. Make better food choices and do the exercise to burn calories  and tone up. 

I've kind of felt stuck at my progress. I looked in the mirror and didn't see a difference in how my body looked. This week, I'm feeling even thinner. I still have fat to lose on my arms and stomach but suddenly it's gone done to a lot less. Am I were I want just yet. Nope, I have more toning to do and more fat to lose on my stomach and arms/ Legs need to tone up. I don't have back fat any more which is one less area. 

I'm not going to give up a dessert or donuts. It's not going to set my diet back and I'm still going to continue to lose weight and make progress on the days I have treats or go over calories on the weekend. It's called living too. I'm not going to go all out and say, well, I screwed up so now it's a free for all and I might as well eat all the junk I can and stop working out. Nope, it's got to be a new lift style. 

So every day get some exercise or maybe just aim for 5 days a week. Any extra is a bonus! I set weekends to be my higher calories days. There will be some week days too mixed in. Just need to keep at least 2 to 3 days a week where I am eating less. Realistic goals on tough weeks. 

This is the last day week#11. I usually measure myself today.. let's go! 
Waist = 34
Hips = 42-1/2 (1/2 inch lost)
Thighs = 24

I really wanted my waist size to go down. I'll take some on my hips! Making progress little by little. I still have months to go before wanting to reach my goal weight. 155/145.. the end of May. That's half of Feb, March, April and all of May till Memorial Day! 3-1/2 months! I've only been dieting since Nov 30th. 2-1/2 months! Plenty of time to drop more weight. 

Since I don't weight myself and I might lose 3 pounds a week. Where should I be? 169! Am I there? Could be?? Just have no idea! I'm okay with not knowing because it's more about fat loss on my stomach and being tone than a number on the scale. If I didn't lose any more weight then I did today. I would still feel 100% better about the way I look and feel. 

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