Friday, February 10, 2023

It's Friday!!

 The weekend is almost here. Just have to work this morning and then off to a neighbor friends cabin for a girls weekend. Well, 3 girls as others backed out. Probably better this way since I have a few want to do on my list. Cross country ski, coffee shop for a flight, brewery/distillery and out to dinner, plus shop! Sounds good to me! 

I will be brining my ski's. Hopefully, I'll be able to use them! I most likely will bring an extra pair of ski's too incase someone else wants to join me! Probably not! 

Last night since Steve goes out every Thursday with his brother and friends. Celina and I went to get Pho. 

I liked it. Just beef broth with veggies and beef. It had a good flavor after I added some spice from the sirichia sauce. They give you a giant bowl and I ate maybe 1/4 of it. The rest I took home for lunch or dinner Sunday night. 
We also shared some shrimp spring rolls in rice paper and peanut sauce. Sooo good. I still Like the ones at  the Farmers market best with their thin sweet and sour sauce. 
I got my magnet windows for our garage door. I do like the look! It was easy to put up too and line up. I ordered more for the little door but had to order 32 even though I only need 16. I figure we have extra's in case of a storm and some blow off? They were cheap fix at $50 total. I should get them next week. I might order the other magnet parts for the garage to fancy it up a little more. They have decorative hardware. 

I tried to take some full body pictures of my weight loss progress. Steve said I'm melting away this morning. Well, that's the point right? To melt the fat and it to be gone!  I ran into my Mother in law at TJ Max this afternoon and she also said I had lost weight. People are finally noticing! I also never saw my customer yesterday that I haven't seen in weeks, so no idea when I'll see her and if she will say anything once I do. I still have fat to lose on my stomach, arms and back. It's at least coming off and I do see the difference! I just want it all gone! I have time. Summer is still a few months away. Plenty of time to lose the next 20 pounds! 
Here';s me trying to get a full body shot with a self timer. Not the best photo!! 
Better! lol.. 

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