Thursday, February 9, 2023

A 45*F and sunny Feb day!


We had a very warm Feb 8th at 45*F and sunny! I took full advantage of being outdoors by going cross country skiing. The trails weren't the best with the slushy snow in the sun with the ice trails in the shade. What a mix of skiing! 

I also worked from 9:30 to noon and then hit the gym to do the stair mill for 30 minutes. I did something to my thumb  while on the stairs. I might have grabbed the heart rate monitor bar a little too much? I skipped lifting weights due to my thumb feeling like it was sprained Glad it feels 100% good as new today and skiing didn't bother it that much. 

I'm really tired today. I tossed and turned all night. Just could not sleep! I finally got in some weird dreams around 5 to 7am this morning. Feels like I could get more shut eye right now! Maybe it has something to do with lower calories these past few days and burning more calories? 
Here's what I ate yesterday
Breakfast nothing
Lunch - 3 cups popcorn 130 cal
Dinner - 1 sweet potato plain, 100 cal
1 bag of edamame 250 calories 
1 pomegranate 100 cal
Total = 580 calories
Burned calories: 300 working, 200 stairs, 300 cross country skiing. = 800 burned

Tonight I might try Pho. Not sure how many calories are in this broth soup with veggies and noodles. I most likely will not have breakfast as I'm not hungry and then for lunch popcorn. Maybe some fruit for after dinner? 
This weekend I have no idea what I'll be eating. I decided I need to bring a bag of popcorn along with strawberries and raspberries. I was going to bring a few drinks, but I think I'll skip that. I'm sure we will go out and I can have a drink Saturday night. No need to keep drinking! Sunday might be another night where I'll have a drink or not depending on what I want to do for the Super Bowl game. Mostly, my calories will come from eating snacks during the game. I'll just make sure to munch on popcorn! 

As for how I feel weight wise. I'd like to think I'm into the 160's now. Definitely 170's and done with 180's. I still have a little back fat or loose skin, some arm fat and some stomach fat to lose. It keeps getting less and less and I do notice that. A customer actually noticed I lost weight yesterday. I'll be maybe seeing yet another customer I haven't seen in weeks, she might notice or not? I might have to lose another 20 pounds before people say anything or maybe they won't? 

Feeling good about going to the gym and sticking with that most days of the week. I did miss last Saturday, but that was the only day. I do enjoy the tough stair mill workout and doing weight machines after. I'll keep doing that workout till I'm tired of it and until I feel like I need to bump up the intensity. Yesterday, I backed off the speed to 4 again. I had been doing 5 with the last minute at 10. I wasn't feeling like doing a hard workout since I knew after I was going skiing and I worked that day too. 

Week 11 is going good for weight loss. Just have to keep it up till all the weight is lost and I can wear a bikini this summer. Two years in a row I just wore a sports bra and some shorts with a coverup dress in the water. I want to fit into my old swim suits and not have to wear a cover up in the water!!! I also want to be tone, not skinny flabby. 

I am so close to day #100 at day 71! So glad I started this weight loss journey and didn't give up day after day. I made small changes. Started out sticking to 500 or less calories without extra exercise since the first few days it's all about just eating less and feeling tired. After a few weeks, I added in going to the gym, just walking on the treadmill at first and doing a few machines lifting weights. I always did morning yoga and tried to do a few planks and weights per week. Plus, I would ski on and off. Now I'm doing it to burn extra calories when the ski conditions are good to fill up my afternoon and keep me busy instead of eating! 

I do tend to have an early dinner. At least by 5pm. Sometimes that doesn't happen. I'm mostly hungry after I eat my dinner. It's not that I feel hungry, it just wanting to eat. So I've grabbed a pomegranate that takes a long time to eat and is sweet plus has lots of fiber to fill me up. 

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