Friday, May 10, 2024

Finally Friday!

 It's finally Friday and we are buying our new gas stove! We actually found one we liked and will go pick it up all the way out in Stillwater. Otherwise, we would have to wait a week to get it delivered. I am just excited to have a working oven again, plus all shiny and new! Our other one is 20+ years old and I could never get the grates cleaned of all the gunk. I won't miss that! 

The new oven won't be a duel fuel Electric/gas, but at least we will have something brand new! 

The kids cooked on it last night and I'm not even going to bother cleaning it off. I'm hoping the scrap metal place will take it and pay us for the effort. Otherwise, we'll have to pay someone to take it from us. Fingers crossed they want it!! I'll call ahead to make sure. 

It's one more project to check off my todo list! I'm hoping to check another one off today, which is painting the deck rails/stairs and then Sunday, staining the deck after Mother's Day Breakfast. 

We only have seed and fresh sod for the front yard, which we can do the sod part on Saturday. I am guessing we will just buy a roll and patch in where needed. 

I saw this outdoor couch at the brewery. This might be a good option for our deck corner to build. I would just need to purchase cushions. Not really crazy how the back has zero support. Then again, I like the look of the wicker corner couch and I did see one cheaper at Walmart for around $800. It's not exactly the size and shape I'm looking for, so I'll keep searching for the perfect deck couch! 

I also don't want to deal with taking in seat cushions or covering them all the time. 

Logan's room is all ready for his return. He come home tonight after a presentation. Guess his group and 3 others are picked to give a special extra presentation to some companies. Not that many get picked for this, so he was excited. He is thinking it might be good for networking to get job leads. He also was mentioned in their news paper along with his project that not many get into. 

I did little to noting after work other then run errands. Which I suppose is something! Just watched some catch up TV and looked at my phone. I should have colored my hair! I completely forgot, which means I'll have to do that tonight. 

It's supposed to be sunny and 70*F, but windy 30 mph! Yikes! So no advertising today as the flyers would just blow away. Plus, they are saying thunder storms tonight. Next week doesn't look great for advertising either with all the rain. Ugh!! I just want to feel like I'm being productive with getting more jobs. I want to fill up my work schedule and book out Steve's into the fall and beyond for the year. I don't like being in famine mode as we've been in fest now for a few years, pre-covid up to December of last year. Will we make it to 2026? I think so! We had a rougher time in 2007/8 when everyone was losing their jobs and my clients kept leaving. Some how we stayed afloat and we also started both businesses right after 9/11 when the world was weird in that time. We've gone though a lot these last 24 years of being self employed. We plan to keep working as long as possible as I like part time working and so does Steve. We'll just take on less work, but keep moving. We'll need the money I'm guessing but hopefully we will set ourselves us for passive rental income.

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...