Saturday, May 11, 2024

Progress isn't perfect but moving along!

 We finally went out and got a gas stove/oven. Decided on the less expensive version and didn't go for the duel fuel or convection combo. It's still an improvement over a 20 year old oven! 

It took quite a while for Steve to install, like all day. He had to remove tile from either side and the back to fit the stove into the space. Then we had gas line hook up connection issues where we had to go to the store 2 times for the right parts. It's finally hooked up and ready to use, but we need to install wood on the back and stain it, plus get some side black pieces for the sides to go over the gap so food doesn't go down the sides. It's a real process that will need to be finished another day! Or maybe today?

The end result! 

Love it!! It's clean and new!! I'll be baking Steve's cake today, so I'll get to use the oven and test out how it works to cook with gas. I already like the bottom cleaning with out the electric grate/gas is just so simple and its steam cleaning inside! 

I sure am glad to get rid of 20+ years of cooking goop on the grates! The old oven is out in the garage and we will take it to the recycling place next week. Earning a little money for our efforts and not having to pay to take it away. A win/win!! 

Another before and after of our deck rails. They were brown and I've been painting them black. I got 3 sections done yesterday in about 2 hours. I'm hoping to finish them up this morning so at least that looks better for when everyone comes over this weekend for Steve's birthday and Mother's Day. 

You can't really tell in this photo since the sun is making weird lighting on the rails. 

Just don't look at the deck boards, those are next to stain! 

This little white doggie goes home today! 
He has been easy with the exception of him not eating. That the only challenge! 

Zoey has gotten used to him, but they both keep their distance. 

Now off to finish the deck rails, bake a cake and clean the house! 

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...