Thursday, May 9, 2024

May 9th.

 It's Thursday... Steve and I had a fun afternoon for his birthday. We had lunch in Hastings by the river, just sharing wings and fries with a beer. We then drove out to River Falls Wisconsin, had another beer at a brewery then went to yet another brewery and I had a seltzer and we shared a pretzel/chips and salsa. That pretty much filled us up. They had a great happy hour with only $2 dollar drinks and the chips/salsa were also only $2! 

We got home and had dinner reservations at 6:30pm at Chianti grill which we weren't even hungry. We were tempted to not get any food, but ended up sharing the pork mockshue which we love and then Steve got a free birthday desert. We were beyond stuffed. In all a very fun day for his birthday! Good thing we went to the gym I the morning and worked out and also burned off calories just working in the morning. 

We've been watching our old neighbor's dog while she is in Vegas with her husband. He is getting along well with Zoey. For the most part they stay to themselves. 

Mr Crosby

No rain for the next 5 days in a row! I can actually do some advertising today, which we need to do or tomorrow! I think we are finally going to purchase that stove/oven for the kitchen. Can't wait till that's all brand new! I'm not going to miss the old one! We'll probably have to pay to get it taken away? or take it up to the metal place where hopefully, we can get a little money for the metal. 

I also will have a stretch of days to paint the deck. Although, we are doing Steve's birthday now on Saturday night and then having Mother's Day brunch here. Not very easy to get projects done. 

I also have to clean up the garage so I can park in there again. Logan is coming home now around 5pm Friday as he is presenting on Friday for his class. 

Celina has one more interview today at 10:30p.m. she will find out sometime maybe next week if she got one or both of the jobs. 

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...