Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Happy 59th Birthday Steve

 Happy Birthday Steve. He is 59, but doesn't feel like it and I think he doesn't look it either! Where did the years go? I met him when he was 28. 

We have dinner reservations tonight at 6:30pm and will go have a few happy hour drinks this afternoon to celebrate. We both work this morning till around noon. 

The family birthday party is on Friday, when Logan gets home from College. 

I decorated with a few birthday signs and got plates, napkins etc for the occasion. I'll pick up some flowers at Trader Joes today. I'll save the gift for Friday, but will give him a card today with the flowers. 

Yesterday, we tackled the big branch pile in the back yard, bringing 2 loads to dump off. We still have enough for at least one more truck load. We will wait till we cut down the rest of the tree in the back yard along the fence. I'm sure that will be at least 4 truck loads if not more! It feel good to clean up the garden of the pile of wood. We'd never be able to burn up all that in a summer. I still want to do mulch in the back yard, but that's got to wait till another week. I'm hoping to work on the deck this weekend. Friday- Monday no rain! I should be able to do the deck rails Saturday and then Sunday after breakfast for Mother's Day I should be able to do the staining of the deck boards. One more project completed this week! Then it's just tar the driveway, which we will do before mulching the back yard. I also want to paint the garage walls and clean it out, so that will be during the week at any time since it doesn't matter rain or shine. 

2 recent customers Steve worked with are passing his name on to neighbors looking to have work done. I'm hoping this keeps him busy and we won't have to advertise!! Word of mouth is always best from happy clients! I still will advertise as I want to pick up a few more clients to fill up my schedule and also earn more money to pay for Logan's college bills etc. So as soon as the weather looks good, I need to do that asap! 

Celina's interview for a 3 mo contract job when well yesterday. Plus, she has her 3rd interview today and Thursday from that permeant job. I sure hope she gets some offers Friday or early next week! Both jobs would start mid June, so she would at least have a week or two off before they start. Perfect timing as she can finish out her current contract and have a little vacation time which she hasn't had for 1-1/2 years, although unpaid time off, but at least a break! 

I don't think Logan has heard back from any he applied to. Bummer because I was hoping he would get an internship this summer. He might need to go to Punch Pizza or find somewhere else to work for some spending money. I already told him we are not funding Fun time this summer. He needs a job! He does have Steve's parents landscaping work and mowing which they pay well, so he does have all that todo! 

We are watching Crosby today through Saturday afternoon. It should be fun to see if Zoey wants to hang out with another little dog during the day. It's a good test to see if I could get another dog and how she is going to react. 

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