Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 Steve's birthday is tomorrow. I have done little to prepare. At least I do have a gift idea and a plan in place today. I'll pick up birthday decorations and get a card. Probably should get his gift and if he doesn't like, he can return. I'll also decorate the house. I have croissants to put out for his breakfast tomorrow and I'll make some cupcakes for tomorrow his actual birthday and then a cake for Sunday's family celebration. 

I try to make everyone's birthday special. Last year for his birthday we were in the Ozarks. We usually are gone to the lake or somewhere else for my birthday, so we don't do decorations unless I do it myself. Steve does cook the meals which I am happy for. I just have to get the gifts for everyone and clean the house and clean up after everyone. That's why I like being gone on my birthday! It's a real day for me to enjoy this way if I am on a vacation! 

Mother's Day. Steve's family birthday, I'll be serving everyone as we are hosting brunch. Steve will be cooking so we both get to do all the work! It's fine. It is what it is! 

I got a lot of the yard all done yesterday. Tackle the branch pile and cut them all down to smaller sticks so we can fit more in the truck to dispose. Steve has some larger branches to saw up and then we can take them away. Feels good to get the yard all cleaned up. I want to freshen up the mulch too, but might wait on that since its a bigger job and a lot in the back yard. We will concentrate on getting grass to grow! Which I need to get dirt and seeds out there today! It's going to rain again and I want to give the seeds a good chance to grow! 

I also power washed the side of the garage. It was green and had cotton stuck all over it. Looks brand new once again. All cleaned up. Now to get behind the garage and up high on the back of the house and finish that up too. If it ever stops raining every other day, I can start staining and painting the deck! 

I also should go to the gym this morning. I need to get ready to head out. If I don't go in the morning, I never feel like it. I also need to get out my bike and go for a ride. 70 degrees today! 

I should have taken a before photo of the pile of branches. It's still there under the apple trees but a lot smaller! Just branches to chop up left. 

Our apple tree is loaded with flowers. We are going to get a ton of apples this year! Maybe I'll actually do something with them?? I do have an apple press to make apple cider. 

We need mulch under these trees as it's just mud and zero grass growing. 

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