Monday, May 6, 2024

5 more days

5 more days till Logan is home for the summer! 3 if you don't count today or Friday. I'm sure ready for him to be home. We got to FaceTime him a little last night while everyone was over for Cinco De Mayo. 

The only photo I took last night! I did make everyone mocktails since only 3 of us were drinking alcohol. I had enough glasses for everyone. Plus, I got the grandkids pineapple drinking cups for fun. 

Our neighbors tree is all in bloom. It's super pretty. 

I mowed the front yard yesterday, cleaned up the dog poop in the front yard and then cut all the growing invasive trees poping up in our back yard burm. Plus, cleaned the house and used the leaf blower on the deck, patio and driveway. I'll have to do that again today as the petals from our crabapples keep dropping. It's a quick way to clean it up fast! 

Steve spent Saturday and Sunday working on this huge planter in the garage. He will install it today. Then it just needs to be stained. 

Here are some decorative pieces to hold up the planter. They will be filled in and stained too. 

He has a bunch of flooring wood that I want to use to make cribbage boards in the shape of MN. Plus, just regular folding boards too. Can't wait to try making some wood projects on the new bandsaw. 

Today, I work in the morning for about 2 hours then I want to clean up the branches and power wash the side and behind the garage. I probably will help clean up the garage. It's going to rain again tonight so can't start painting the deck rails. That will have to wait until we get a few days in a row of no rain! I think Starting Friday- Next week. 

We are also dog sitting this week, Wed- Saturday. Well, Celina is. 

Celina also has another interview Tuesday morning at 8:30am for another contract job. She is waiting to hear back if she gets a 3rd interview with another company she had an interview for on Friday. I sure hope she has good news this week and a new job come June! Fingers double crossed!!! 

I am just working on home projects. I need some more plants for our pots. Probably should get more basil as my winter plant didn't do well after too much rain! We will see if it bounces back. I could use more anyway, so we can use it and still have plenty of herbs. 

I also will plant the rest of the sunflower seeds in the new egg carton. We'll see if this batch actually grows. Maybe I could just use the other dirt? 

We have some grass seed to put down and dirt in the front yard today. It will be good timing for all the rain we will get this week. 

I did a lot of washing of couch blankets and couch pillows. Just did some deep cleaning around the house and use the leaf blower for under the oven and frig. lol.. Worked great! I just used the vacuum aft4er to pick up all the junk it blew out. 

We are off to the gym this morning then off to work for me. 

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