Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sunday... Cinco de mayo

 We are celebrating Cino de Mayo today with family over for diner tonight. We picked up food to make a few Mexican food items. Chicken, peppers, salsa. Celina made brownies and I have stuff to make fun drinks. 

Yesterday, we couldn't work on any outdoor projects due to all the rain. Today is sunny and going to be 70. I'll mow the lawn and blow off the deck with the leaf blower. I also need to pick up the main level, make some salsa and cream cheese dip. 

Yesterday, I did wash our comforter and some clothes. The main project of the day was to groom Zoey! 

I groomed and bathed her in probably 1.5 hours. If she would let me trim her front legs, I'd be done quicker. I did miss a few places that I could have trimmed her up better, but for the most part, she looks good! I like her fur kept short. 

I trimmed up her face since I noticed the groomer always cut her whiskers. I don't dry her fur after her bath since she hates the blower. She's a little wet eared in these photos. She does love being all short fur and pretty. I give her plenty of treats during the grooming process so she doesn't mind it and is pretty good with the exception of not wanting her front legs done or nails trimmed. I save at least $70 per grooming since I'm able todo it all myself. Plus, I probably would only get her groomed 1 or 2 times per year instead of every 1.5 to 2 months. Someday I'll get better at it with more practice. I do need to raise up my table to make it taller. That's the next project! 

I picked up my #26 fitness book. I make my own planners and go through them every 4 to 6 months. It feels good to start a new fresh planner which I'll do after next week. Its only $8 dollars to have a binder added and a clear cover. It keeps me motivated and life in order for the most part. I'd probably be lost without it. 

Steve saved some wood flooring that's refinished. It will work perfect for cribbage boards. Once Steve is finished with this customer planter project, I plan to get his help on the cribbage boards using the new band saw. We'll need to purchase a drill press to make the holes, but that isn't very expensive. I have lots of Christmas projects to make!! Maybe even sell them! We have a ton of flooring!! 

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