Saturday, May 4, 2024

What day is it?

 Some days I have to think hard about what day it is. This morning was one of those days. I do quickly figure it out. How does that even happen? Guess the days sometimes blend together when you don't have a lot going on. 

Steve's 59th birthday is next week on Wednesday. I just asked him what kind of cake he wants. Lemon/Rasp with lemon marscopone whipped cream frosting. It's going to be a microwave/oven cake! I'm positive it will turn out perfect! Seems the microwave/oven bakes things more evenly. We will wait till Logan is home and celebrate with family on the following Sunday. I'll just make reservations to go out on Wednesday since we have a gift card from Kendra to use up. 

Since it's raining again today/Saturday, I have a few items on my todo list. 
Get my fitness book binder on the way home from the gym
Groom Zoey/Bath for Zoey and shower for me. 
At noon the rain is supposed to stop. Steve plans to work on a customers planter in our garage. I won't be doing any painting out there on the walls since there is dust. Plus, we won't be doing yard work as everything will be wet. 

The other option is to go to the State Fair and watch the horse show today. It's free and inside or future out something else todo and not spend a whole lot doing it. I just wanted to be more productive then to sit around. 

Friday, Celina's 2nd interview went good from what I can tell. She finds out sometime next week if there will be a 3rd interview. Yikes, 3!!! She also has another interview Tuesday for a contract job that could potentially turn into a full time position or continue after the 3 months, which starts mid June. This would give her 2 weeks off where she and Logan could do a mini camping vacation. I'm sure they would need to use my SUV for everything they would need to bring. Or just do some car camping which is easier to do then set up the tent etc, just less room. I'll let them figure that all out. 

Sunday, I'm guessing the front yard will need to be mowed. We won't be doing any big projects since everyone is coming over around 4pm for Cinco De Mayo dinner. We probably will be shopping and making food most of the day. I'll just vacuum and clean the half bathroom on the main level with a little pick up todo. I need to clear out the office, which I could probably work on this morning while it rains. Time to move Steve's work stuff out of there and into the basement or garage. 

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