Friday, May 3, 2024

It's Friday!!!

 It's Friday! I actually work from 9 to 1pm today, with probably an hour break in between. I made the most of my no work Thursday. Washed the bedding and towels, paid some bills, went to the gym, cleaned the kitchen, went to the store. We found a outdoor blower that was on clearance for $29, plus I had an 11 dollar Menards rebate money to use towards the purchase. It's plug in, which is fine. I tried it out it even though it was all wet outside on the deck and it worked great! Can't wait to use that on the deck tree droppings all summer! It will be quick and easy to do all the time to keep everything on the driveway and deck cleared off. 

It's actually sunny today and going to be 70 degrees. It's raining every other day which makes it difficult to get the deck painted since it never has a chance to dry out a few days. I'll work on the branches and maybe get sod and dirt for the front yard top portion and we can seed the rest of the lawn. We can at least work on a few outdoor projects. I'd also like to paint the garage walls, so I can do that anytime rain or shine. 

We are having everyone over for Cinco De Mayo on Sunday afternoon for tacos etc. I'll make some brownies for dessert. We probably should pick up a rotisserie chicken and cut that all up or make some in the crockpot for a taco bar. 

Saturday is just yard work. It would have been nice to get the deck all done before having everyone over, but I really doubt that's going to happen. 

I also need to finish power washing the garage back side of the house. 

Celina has her interview today and there is also a possibility of another contract job, but that only last for 3months. She just needs to keep working, but it would be nice to get a full time permeant job for her and have some benefits too. Fingers crossed the interview goes really well today and she has a new job! I'm sure she won't find out till next week. 

Logan plans to come home on the 10th. 1 more week and he is home for the summer. He didn't line up any internships, so that's a bummer. He will have mowing and taking Steve's parents to the dr appointments and store this summer. They no longer feel comfortable driving, only to the store which they probably should be any longer. They are 86, so at that age where they need more help. They are still very good considering, but slowing down and of course Steve's father has feet/leg issues where he just doesn't move fast or can lift them up anymore, so he should not be driving! 

Our neighbors across the street removed all the tall bushes from the side of their driveway. They were huge and created a blind spot backing out of their driveway. It did create a buffer to not see them in their driveway or the other neighbor and now everything is open. We miss the bushes and don't. Makes me wonder if they will plant anything? I'm guessing not. While everyone around us hires out all the yard work , we do it ourselves. It might take a bit longer but it's satisfying to do it ourselves. Plus, saves a lot of money too. I'll be taring the driveway and laying sod to save money. It's not hard work at all and I am looking forward to doing those projects. 

We are still waiting to buy a stove/oven. I sure would like to replace that sooner then later. It would clean up the kitchen as I'm tired of the stove top looking a mess all the time. Steve wants to wait a bit. His parents offered to buy one for his birthday and of course he said he didn't want that as we will buy one when we find what we are looking for. Nice of them to offer, but it's one of those items we need to find a duel fuel and they aren't easy to find. 

I sure would like to plan a mini vacation, but can't since we don't know what the weather will be like. It will have to wait till June before we do any other camping trips besides going up to the lake. We no longer have anyone to mow for us, so we'll have to bring the lawn mower too. Which is fine we will be bringing up the boat, jets etc for the holiday long weekend. 

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