Thursday, May 2, 2024

Rain, rain go away!

 It's raining yet again today and all day today! I did plant all the flower seeds outside in the yard, so at least they are getting watered and hopefully, will actually grow since they are old seeds! I haven't had any luck with the sunflower seeds. I did put them outside on the deck because the dirt was getting moldy inside since I had it covered with scran wrap. I clearly don't know what I'm doing when it comes to seed growing. Let's hope something comes up for my efforts which were pretty minimal. I might actually get more seeds since its a lot cheaper then purchasing plants. I'll just put them in various places in the front wood chips and see what grows. Of course there is always. the chance I'll think they are weeds before they bloom. 

I had a work schedule change for this morning. I'm not working now till 11am. Plenty of time to go to the gym, which I didn't think I was going. Steve doesn't plan on going, so I'll go there myself at some point. 

I finally got the tabs for my SUV yesterday. I just drove to purchase instead of getting on line, since I didn't want to wait for the tabs to arrive and risk getting a ticket. Glad that's all paid and done $356 for a 2019!! Kind of high! I also tried to pay Steve's business insurance over the phone but their system was down all day. If it's not up today, I'll have to actually do it online or call and get a person to help pay it. 

I ended up spending a few hours scraping the deck again and using the sander. I feel like I'm done doing this and it's ready for painting and poly/stain. After all the rain, the deck is going to need a few days to dry out and then it will have to be swept off with all the tree droppings. What a mess!! Maybe we'll just get a blower and then can do that all the time instead of trying to sweep or vacuum all the time. I'll need it for the driveway when I tar it anyway. I don't think they cost that much! 

Steve picked up another tile job from a neighbor yesterday and has an estimate today too. Fingers crossed he picks up more work! I think that's just to install some doors, so not a huge job but more work and extra money. I'd like to do some advertising, but with the rain that's not happening. I have been replying to next door neighbor which resulted in him getting a few jobs now. That's free and it gives some exposure too. I need to check that daily, which I don't do. I am also waiting on another new client, not sure when or if I'll pick up that job? I do need to pick up more clients as my schedule some weeks isn't that busy! It's my goal to pick up 2 or 3 more new jobs this month. 

I'm sure these crab apple tree flowers will begin to drop any day on the driveway. It's going to make a huge mess!! At least we don't get crab apples on those trees, but they do drop their leaves all summer and make a mess on the driveway.  We just have too big of trees after 25 years of living here. I've never lived anywhere longer! To think we will be all paid off on our mortgage in 2026! That day can't come soon enough! If there wasn't property taxes we could have it paid off in a year! grrr.. 

What's my plan for today? 
work at 11
wash bed sheets
Clean the kitchen
Cross ramp/home workout

I need to get back to dieting. 
Coffee, 50 cal
1 wheat bread with honey PB, 200 cal
Lunch - popcorn, 130 cal
Dinner, left over pasta/meat sauce roll with P cheese and garlic 800cal
Total = under 1500 cal
Work 200 burn
Gym weights 100
Plank 1 min
cross ramp 1 mile = 100 cal
Total = 400

I should probably clean my own house too? I usually vacuum daily and wash off Zoey window drool all the time. Everything is fairly clean around here. Maybe clean the kids bathroom and do a little dusting. 

I should groom Zoey, but will save that for this weekend when it rains. Her nails need to be trimmed and I might bring her in to have someone do that. They still seem pretty long even when I cut them and she hates having it done. She does need a bath which I could give her today then she would be ready for her grooming and smell better. 

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