Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Day!!

 May Day, May Day! We are officially in spring with the first day of May! I do count April even thought it still feel like winter. Thankfully, we went on a 10 day trip south to have a little summer weather which made the month fly by. 

It was pretty nice out yesterday. The rain held off till around 6:30pm last night and the temp I was around 70 degrees. I worked on scraping the deck paint after working for an hour in the morning. I probably should have sanded the deck stair boards and around the top, but instead I used the screw driver and chipped away at the paint. It works better and is more satifsying when big chunks of paint are peeled away. The paint comes off better after being wet for a few days. I got most off on the top of the deck boards and now it's just the final touch ups before we can paint and stain/clear coat poly. I can't wait for our deck to look good again! 

I was pretty lazy in between deck scraping. Got out the back yard hammock and ended up napping for a bit. Steve came and got me out of the hammock and we went to the park for a few drinks. It's a picnic table over looking a pond which usually has a few swans. We didn't see the swans but a few ducks and geese instead. 

I can't see the back of my head, to see how much gray is growing. Steve took a photo and it's not too bad considering I never color it back there. 
I realized that I'll be 56.. almost a 60 year old woman! Yikes!! Still far enough away from 60.. but inching closer. Steve turns 59 this year. To think we met in March when he was 28! 30 years ago and coming up on 31! We've been married 25 years on the 22nd of this month! We will do lots of mini trip to celebrate our anniversary this year. Maybe plan an actual trip on our anniversary. Guess not as it falls on a Wednesday, same as Steve's birthday this year. That gives us 2 weekends to celebrate both! 

There is a rebate program in MN for bikes. The catch is you have to qualify. Ugh! It would have been nice. I don't even know anyone that can apply. Maybe Logan because you have to be at least 18 and making less than 25K a year, which he does since he is a college student and not earning money. Maybe there is a way around this?? nope, can't be a dependent! It would have been nice to get one more bike. Guess we'll be paying for that once Steve decides what bike he would like. 

What am I up to on the first day of May? 
The gym
Work for 2+ hours
Pay a bill and then get tabs for my SUV. They are expired today but I should have a 15 day grace period? I will get them today!! YIKES!! 
Sand the deck rails 
Watch Survivor and Amazing race. 
Weight loss = eat less and not sit around in the afternoon

I am having a tough time getting myself to do anything after work. I just can't seem to get myself out of this funk. Glad I was able to scrape the deck and not have an issue wanting to do that. I just never feel like leaving the house after work and I don't want to go for a walk or do anything usually the rest of the day. I do need to work on little things to get me moving and motivated. It's like a winter, spring depression, that I need to move beyond. At least I was outdoors most of yesterday from 11 to 5pm. 

Let's see if I accomplish everything on my todo list! 


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